Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
so im gonna repeat it for the one last time:
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
ah, im having this sensation now, whole body's aching, i feel weak, and i feel hot, now that really makes me "hot" eh. lol
anyway, i wouldnt say this is a good event, but im quite glad that im sick before new year arrives, at least im throwing every burden down right?
oh no, no way, not until i've completed the assignments =\
Monday, December 21, 2009
"next time ba"
"so few people ar? next time la"
"errr dunno leh dont feel like, next time ba"
guess the above phrases are very common among us people. well sometimes its perfectly fine to say "next time", whether its because of the smallest reason or really cant go, its okay. but dont let "next time" be just an excuse.
how many "next time"s are there in our lives?
how are you so sure that you will still be living the next hour?
the next day?
next week?
next month?
im not over exaggerating things, but the fact is, you never know when you will die, life is a funny thing, who knows, maybe you've got a heart failure all of a sudden, its not common but its definitely not new. maybe you fall in your house and crack your head and die?
you may laugh at the thoughts of it, but the truth is, are you so sure that it 100% wont occur to you? for the benefits of the doubt i'd say that probably 99.99% it wont, but theres still a 0.01% it may happen, maybe its a 0.001%, or a 0.0001%, the point is, no matter how low the percentage is, the fact is, as long as its not 100%, theres no certainty.
no people that involved in accidents will predict beforehand that they will get into one, it is not called "accident" without a reason.
how are we so sure that we will not get into an accident? its just based on the assumptions that "we are not so suay (unlucky)", then again, everyone thinks so too, so does that means that everyone will not get into an accident? apparently no.
so what if you are "sure" you wont get into an accident, are you so sure the person whom you say "next time" to will be as lucky as you? again, you never know, this is life afterall, strange things happened.
recently i found out a colleague back in my attachment days was killed in an accident, i was shocked, the last time i saw him he's nothing but healthy, nothing that gives signs that he's gonna passed away few months later, im naive for saying so thou, when will people give signs that he/she will be caught in an accident?
it's really a slap of reality, because things happened without logic, people can just go that way.
maybe i just hate it when "next time" becomes nothing but an excuse to another "next time", which leads to more "next time"s, and how many "next time"s do we have in life? then again, you never know
Sunday, December 20, 2009
Friday, December 18, 2009
after keying in my particulars, the system says that i can actually extend my passport (extend is free,renew cost $70), so it displays this message like "oh you can actually extend your passport, please find out the info by clicking here"
so off i went to the next website, after spending a good 30mins, i still cant find the info to extend my passport! finally i found this link called "extend my passport", im like omfg finally!
guess wad happened i click on it?
i got re-direct back to where i started, the ICA web -.-
so well, i figure that i wont find that info-that-ICA-claim-was-there even if i spent the entire day clicking around, thus i decided to give it a call. can u believe it when i make a call, their lines are busy!
i dont know who does that networking but hey, to the fellow networkers that designed the network for ICA, you guys fail badly, how can you have your hotline busy!
another good 20mins flew away that way, not to mention the waiting-for-people-to-pick-up-the-call's time.
*sorry, our people will attend to you shortly* (me: o...ok o.o)
*sorry, our people will attend to you shortly* (me: fine =\)
*our line seems to be busy, you may continue waiting or call later* (me: no way im freaking gonna call later)
few mins later (after the cycle keeps repeating)
*sorry, our people will attend to you shortly* (me: zzz)
*sorry, our people will attend to you shortly* (me: how shortly is your shortly -.-)
*our line seems to be busy, you may continue waiting or call later* (me: just get it fast man!)
*du...du...du...* call timed out
so i made the call again, and this time thankfully my call is answered.
me: "hi erm can i know what are the procedures i need to follow in order to extend my passport validity?"
the person: "oh actually you can make a trip down to ICA and we can get it done on that day"
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
no one will continue wear a pair of shoes if it hurts your feet, no one will want to continue sleep on a bed if its as hard as rock, get it?
Friday, December 4, 2009
Wednesday, December 2, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
strange that on any other day had we lost that badly, i would have gone mad, but not this time, i guess its cuz i see a team that really wants to play in mine, and that is good enough actually.
"try your best and no regrets", indeed, thou i think i can try harder, but oh well =\
couple of things to note for myself;
1)improve my damn first touch, could be better
2)seriously need to start using my left leg more often.
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Friday, November 27, 2009
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
"Can you guys be more sensitive?" I believe some of the guys have been hearing this for quite a number of time, but the truth is, it is not too good to be sensitive, i assure you on that.
Thou i may not look like it, nor act like it, nor sound like it, it is safe to say im an emotional and sensitive person. To be honest, i dont like myself this way, because i think that it is ALWAYS better to miss out the small things, because those little things are the ones that hurt you greatly.
For example, i am jealous of my best friend, he is a very popular guy among his peers, and whenever theres an outing, he will be one of the first few person on the list, i dont hate him, not a tiny bit (obviously if not why i rate him as my best friend). But i just feel jealous, cuz i will never be like him.
just to name an incident, not long ago, one of our friend called "us" out to chill, that friend didnt call me actually, but my best friend did ask me along, i meet up with the guys before my best friend did, so the guy who called "us" out was saying that he's damn bored and he tried to call every possible person that he can go out with.
"he missed me out" my first thought, you cant fault me for thinking this way, its just natural, i guess.
so i asked him casually, "walau ask everyone never ask me la"
his reply was, "i forgot, i called everyone but forgot about you leh, if i remember i sure call one"
the thing is, he forgot, i didnt say he did it on purpose, infact, the fact that he forgot accidentally makes it more hurting because i wasnt even on his mind when he was thinking who to call.
Whenever theres an outing, i must surely check with the organizer about the meeting time and venue because i know, that if i dont do that, no one will inform me (dont tell me to be pessimistic because it IS proven). What amazes me is that the more popular one (e.g. my best friend), he will get notified automatically, dont ask me why, if i know, i wouldnt be blogging about this.
There were other times as well la, i just dont feel like mentioning them, the post can go damn long if i want to write them all out.
The bottomline is, it kind of hurts this way, and what makes it even more sucky is that not a lot are experiencing it.
So how would you feel if you went to ask around if anyone want to share money for a birthday present, only to realise that everyone BUT YOU had shared money to buy a birthday present?
I dont know how you guys will feel but to me, i wont feel im part of them, and it kind of turn me off, its just the way my mind works. You guys may be thinking "WTF" upon hearing this statement, but meh, this hardly happened to you so..
It's not like I am having financial problem, not like im some stingy bastard who doesnt want to pay a cent, and whats more EVERYONE BUT ME? i dont know how else to emphasize this.
and everytime this kinda thing happens, i can only sigh and tell myself
"this is life, and life is not always fair"
1) to best friend, just taking you as an example, hope you dont mind (provided you know who you are la)
2) this post is indeed triggered by an event that just happened, but well it is NOT just talking about that event, but this part of my life.
3) no im not being emo, i just feel like confessing, thats all
Friday, November 20, 2009
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I am not too sure if you will consider the pricing cheap, my whole trip lasts for an hour, then again i manage to get in cause of my IS module, maybe the $12 package is different? i dunno. nonetheless, it is definitely an experience worth trying.
as its name suggests, you will be put in a dark place, a maze to be exact, there will be a blind guide inside you to guide u through, u will experience how it feels like to be blind.
to be frank, i dont like the feeling of it, i feel totally insecure, even when the blind guide assure me the floor is definitely flat, i keep wondering if i will trip over something. the things around you dont feel like the way you think it is, the orange, when only touch and smells, feels like something else.
or maybe, we are too used to seeing what we see?
Monday, November 16, 2009
Sunday, November 15, 2009
i like the feeling when im jogging, you know, blasting songs into your ears, jogging at high speed, it makes you feel lost, and thats exactly what i want to feel since i just want to get outta this world, even if its just for a brief moment.
until now, i still cant digest the fact that there is some potential problem with my heart (the ecg scan says so), it shocks me, and hits me hard.
"why me?"
i mean like, c'mon, out of all the things, its my heart. i can run 10km without breaking a sweat, so why me? this is the question that has been circulating in my mind for quite a while
i can think of 100, or 1000 reasons to make myself believe that im fine, but mingde, you got to face it, results dont lie, do they?
until further tests are conducted, there will be no definite answer to how bad my heart is
but well, i've accepted this
na, acceptance is NOT = to giving up
i've accepted that, there will be problem with my heart
and no matter how big or small the problem is
as long as my heart is still beating
even if it means only 50% of it is functioning
i will be living
even if im gonna lose this, im gonna put up a good fight
and if my heart ever stops, i know that i wont be dead
because i will be living, somewhere, in others' hearts.
Friday, November 13, 2009
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
no one in the right mind will find that the idea of using satay sticks and straws to form a roller coaster is fun, NO ONE!
on another hand, i am mistaken as a japanese by the taxi driver O_O, thats new, lol!
and lastly, this world is damn unfair, i mean, ronaldo and drogba have been diving like god-knows-how-many times yet they receive little punishments, people like eduardo and n'gog dived once and the whole world is going against them? wtf
Monday, November 9, 2009
Friday, November 6, 2009
Thursday, November 5, 2009
Never thought i can totally ignore this person, mind power is a strong thing.
Yea, I have blocked you, and got rid of you, if you'd give a damn, you would've done something ages ago, so ya.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
me: "wad did u say ar?"
x: "nth la"
error no.1 : you SAID something
me: "just say"
x: "aiya, nth big la"
error no.2 : can just repeat?
me: "alright, juz say wont u?"
x: "its really nth de"
Sunday, November 1, 2009
school's okay, WISP is a bitch, why must i be researching on H1N1? all i care is to get my ass away from that damn virus, and now i need to look at it from singapore's perspective eh, double damn
nazir is being such a bum again, he can come late for class, but damn even online quiz he can make a fuss out of it, promise to activate it on saturday morning, and whats the time now? triple damn
ok, enough of ranting, thats about it, hopefully next post will be in better tone, *fingers crossed* =\
iszi too late for me to catch you now?
Monday, October 26, 2009
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Thursday, October 22, 2009
Monday, October 19, 2009
im having this weird sensation, its as if my first day going to poly, probably its due to the fact that i wasnt in school for 6 months, gosh, im feeling.. nervous, lol
6 more months to go, and you are all free, way to go!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
while normal people would be cycling whole night, we (yes, the abnormal ones!), went swimming whole night -.- it was fun thou
missed out the fun which map's finger got clipped by the door, must be epic, nevertheless, he provided lots of jokes, e.g. ghost rider, LOL!
the mood was dented a bit thanks to those people-that-cannot-come-at-the-very-Very-VERY-last-min, we got to pay a lot more cause of the absentees, wtf!
you guys cant even make up your minds on this kinda thing, how are you guys gonna make it big in life next time?
but ok la, map's presence make it up for it
miss the birthday bash thou, lol
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Finally completed my liverpool jigsaw puzzle after like god-knows-how-long, my deepest gratitude towards LiverpoolFC for making this jigsaw completion a possibilty. Never thought that they will send me a new copy of the puzzle after i told them via email that 1 piece was missing, i must say that i am plesantly surprised.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
before they address all the instability issues, im gonna stick to firefox
1) chomp chomp with friends
well, lesson learnt: never buy stingray from that particular store, the stingray is overcooked, wtf! celebrated yushi's bday and went kbox, gosh, map's singing is being laughed at as usual! lol! but those secret garden's cheater, we were promised to pay just $3.50 each and we ended up paying $15 -.- tissues arent free after all
2) netriders singapore competition @ NYP
feels good to see the "elites" from different schools (NP,NYP,TP,SP,ITE). the competition is quite crap if you ask me, i mean, they even have questions like this:
"what is an online diary call?"
like seriously, this has got NOTHING to do with networking, even a 5 years old kids know the answer to this for god sake!
out of 100 supposedly networking-related questions, around 10+ questions are crap
practical exam is a killer, 3 questions, and after first question theres only 30mins left, question 2 is..well, hard, guess no 1 manage to complete it, thought my team is the only team that cannot complete, but immediately after the practical exam i can hear chants like, "die la, 2nd question, how to do sia". lol!
and the competition is quite biased towards the home team, like, NYP come out with 10 teams, and other schools only got like, 5?
ITE is the top team nonetheless, they do ITE proud. 1 of nyp's team came in 2nd and 1 of np's team came in 3rd, feel proud for my friends, thou i will definitely feel much better if im the 1 who won but well.. didnt prepare much, couldnt ask for more =\
3) community service @ metta school
didnt get to go out with the kids for the fish farm trip cuz im assigned to the logistic group, which means decorating the schools. that isnt too bad for me since im quite bad at socializing with kids. the job is quite easy actually, we slack around and only called upon when theres duty for us.
they sure had a good time, the smile reflected on their faces shows that, and for those smiles i feel its worth the effort spent.
ok basically this is what happened for the week, and really im failing to convince myself that holiday is so gonna end, and to think that im only just beginning to have the "holiday mood", ah..well... =\
PS: a belt that costs $600?! seriously is it worth buying? wtf!
Friday, October 9, 2009
seriously, if you say that you can, MAKE DAMN SURE you can
you are not only wasting my breathe, time, and espeically...
i hate empty promises
but dont worry, i wont ask for that again, i should have known that i should saved my effort to persuade you and use it to do better things instead
and to think that you still got the cheek to say "yea, its just as you expected, im not free", ok so im expecting that and you are damn happy to prove me right?
ok, now lemme make another "expectation"
i wouldnt find you for any things already, be it small or big matters, and im EXPECTING that you wouldnt give a damn
prove my expectation right then, suits me fine
seriously, wtf
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
This pair of boots, has been following me ever since sec2, played every field match in it, and today, tragedy happened
it spilt =\, sigh, everytime after a match, i always tell it,"gonna score a goal with you next time", never managed to do it with you, im so sorry, no im not being lame, its just a promise i made to myself, but well i cant fulfill it now
and now, mercurial vapor, lets do well together =)
like, hurray? singtel managed to snatch the EPL rights from starhub? wtf?!
whats so damn hard for a joint bid?
i wouldnt mind switching to to singtel had it not be the unpredictability, look, singtel won 3 years broadcasting rights, and 3 years later, what if starhub won it? and subsequently singtel wins it back? wtf?
are we (EPL viewers) some soccerballs that were kicked around by singtel and starhub? it seems so?
damn this shit, MDS better step out and do something about this.
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
she cries when she's sad
she laughs when she's happy
she ignores when she's angry
she screams when she's scared
she once told me that, i do not know much about her
in deed, i dont
because sometimes she seems so near
yet sometimes, she seems so far
honestly speaking
i do not have much clue about her
but i want to know more
day by day
bit by bit
knows her perfections
and her imperfections
loves her for her perfections
hates her for her imperfections
then loves her because, she's her
life is definitely not a fairytale
but moments of it do happen in life
and it may just last to the end
i dont know why i wrote this
because im not too sure she will see it
or she will know its her if she sees it
also dont really feel like adding more problems to her already problematic life
but well
just writing out something that's kept within me for some times
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
think my legs' gonna break soon after all the sufferings.
thursday's private sales, friday's jogging, sat and sun's flyer sending. gosh
didnt know i will be so desperate for a job since i had worked 6 mths during attachment, but meh im not the kind to stay at home and rot eh.
next job: F1
too tired to make anymore comments ~_~
Friday, September 18, 2009
Monday, September 14, 2009
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Thursday, September 3, 2009
1) Inzaghi (AC milan)
ok thou its stated that theres no specific sequence, but this has got to be the MOST hated footballer. alright, he scores a lot goals for club and country, i will give you that but hey, all he can do is stand in line with the defence (and really in line!) and run after the throughball, then always score tap in, god knows how he scores so many goals but meh, ugly goals, ugly footballer.
2) Carlos Tevez (
Never a man u fan, but likes him for his work rate, disgusted by his loyalty, rejected liverpool due to loyalty, next moment go to man city (like theres no rivalry between man u and man city -.-). Bro, loyalty is spelled as l-o-y-a-l-t-y and not c-a-s-h!
To add on to that, ever since he left man u, always criticise ferguson (then again, never a big fan of him), when ferguson WAS his father during man u time. totally disgusted by his loyalty
3) Michael Owen (
I'm a liverpool fan, now it doesnt require rocket science to understand the logic
4) Didier Drogba (Chelsea)
Strong like a bull, can outmuscle anyone, but can also fall down on the slightest touch, WTF!
5) Ronaldo (Real Madrid)
Ok, he's a good footballer, but let's face this, he's never a good man, didnt even have the guts to ditch a girl, + his freekick posture, DAMN UGLY!
6) Nani (Man utd)
For thinking he's the next ronaldo but failed miserably (many many step overs do not make you ronaldo!)
7) Anderson (Man utd)
Everything is ugly about him -.-
8) Giggs (Man utd)
Used to like him, "retiring soon" leads to sympathy votes which made him PFA player of the year, and then NEVER RETIRE! how can player of the year didnt even get nominated for ANY uefa club football awards? wth
9) Gary Neville (Man utd)
For being so old, keeps getting injured and gets free pay, yet got the cheek to continue playing.
10) Lescott (Man city)
David Moyes made him a good footballer and all he gives back is to criticise Moyes, money makes people go wild eh
Saturday, August 29, 2009
Thursday, August 27, 2009
1) i manage to twist my ankle before even started playing 1 round of soccer
2) go home and install some programme and then BOOM, my laptop bricked
3) thought can sing k box on friday but well, theres movie with gary
4) thought poly friends wont want to go out then suddenly theres an outing on friday, which crashses with point (3)
5) by right should be able to go out on thursday but woke up late and mum's back with lunch so i cant get out, and that probably ruin my chance of... *er hem*
6) every liverpool match i watched, they lose, every match that i missed, they win
7) some people with nice voice didnt live up to her expectation (inside story)
8) motivated to tidy up my cupboard and about 3 books just vanished in thin air
9) me and my friends apply for a lucrative part-time job, we all wrote the resume with standard format, we all send it at almost the same time, my qualification is one of the better ones, and yet they get into the interview and i DIDNT
10) finally thought i can watch "district 9" on friday, a movie which i've been anticipating since last month but can only do it on friday cuz of either-people-not-free-or-people-dont-want reason, and guess what, the movie timing doesnt accommodate us
11) decided to sms one of my er-i-THINK-is-my-good-friend and she just wow-disappeared half way
12) want to vent my frustration by going out to jog but my ankle's still kinda hurting and its raining
13) decided to talk to some friends about my horrendous luck but all i got back was "lol", "ok" and then NOTHING ELSE, now thats REALLY helpful
ok so apart from all these, i guess this week isnt so bad, dont forget theres still friday =)
Tuesday, August 25, 2009
Monday, August 24, 2009
alright, i changed my laptop, cuz i screwed the old one up, sigh
anyway, few days back i was watching one piece seeing how usopp was so angry and sad that the ship is dying, i was thinking at that point, "ah lame"
but now i understands how he feels
ok i may not treat my old laptop as good as he treats the ship, but =\ just kinda missed it, lol
Sunday, August 23, 2009
ok,granted the fact that not one movie can satisfy everyone's tastes
to be honest, im not even half angered that there isnt anyone interested, alright, "angered" is a strong wrong, lets juz say upset.ok maybe i am, but no on those people that arent interested.
come to think of it, most of the things i anticipated in never come true eh
what am i expected to do anyway, spam smses and go "please la, this is my favourate show, watch with me pleaseeee"
hell no
and who can i turn to anyway, ask some people they go "oh", while the rest would go "lol", some would go "ok", not gonna help, no
lets just say im not the biggest of concern, i wouldnt mind that
"grow up wont you", you may say
but disappointment still cant go away by "growing up", isnt it?
call me childish, i dont mind, i may even go as far as admitting it, but man
fuck this shit
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
i mean, if theres a SMS u received, obviously u reply with an adknowledgement?
imagine u are the 1 that ask a question/tell people where to meet and etc, then there isnt a respond?
how you are so sure that he/she had received it?
ok, granted that most of the time a message is received, budden what about those that doesnt fall in "most of the time"?
what if the message really never get through?
then all the he-say-i-never-message-him-thus-he-dunno-but-actually-i-did stories will start coming
ok, its 5 cents, i know, next time if you guyS are so worried about that 5 cents, let me know, i pay back ok?
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
and i think it's getting better, you know, keeping your head is very essential especially in this kind of situation im facing, im juz glad that i kept my cool and all this end for good =\ at least, it seems like its ending for good, now im just keeping my fingers crossed for the time being.
mingde, remind urself agn, you can pull through =)
Sunday, August 9, 2009
and to date, this has got to be the biggest obstacles i have to overcome in my life
i dont know how i will pull through (if it, unfortunately, do happened). however, im a believer of myself, afterall, im mingde, the guy who always got into troubles, yet manage to get his ass off safely right? =)
anyway, as my poly life is approaching to an end, i've been constantly thinking what i should be doing in the future, at least for the near future, of cause the 2 years of NS are inevitable, but what should i do after that?
i wonder
thought of flying to australia to pursuit futher studies, but why?
iszi always better to go overseas? does changing environment, breathing in different air, will make you a better person?
maybe its cuz of my nature, that i cant stay in the same place for too long, that leads me into making such a decision, but then again, i think im deeply rooted to this country, i dont know.
PS: sometimes, we just need a break from this world, i know and i understand that, however, when you are getting better, reach back to us, you will, wont you?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009
Sunday, July 19, 2009

went to mediacorp yesterday to support jeffrey in that show 我要唱下去,basically its a singapore version of 百万大歌星, should disclose jeffrey won how much, catch the show! im caught on the tape too =)
to those who have watched 曾國城 as host for some variety shows, you guys should really come and see his performances at the studio, awesome. credits should be given to this yiqin guy thou (the person left of me), a backstage person who bring up a good atmosphere, enjoyed my day cause of this 2 people =)
Thursday, July 16, 2009
today, i was taking 268 to travel home, then the ez-link machine was spoilt, thus the uncle let us up for free, then the auntie infront me is like
"huh?! FREE AH?! =D"
"waaaa, today so heng leh!!! scarly next bus also free!"
well i dont know the significant of bus fares to me yet, wait till i start adult ez link, maybe, one day, i will be doing what im exactly laughing at -.-
good nights!
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

next moment? he went man city, thats worst isnt it -.- what a jerk
lets see if john terry becomes john te"liu" (money in hokkien) =\
and the player that disappoints me the most? definitely michael owen, liverpool's son, USED to be my favourate player, and now a red devil, bastard, saying "im loyal" is one thing, being true to the words is another. out of all clubs he chose to go man utd, damned you owen!
and.. juz read someone's blog, talking about revealing themselves = feeling vulnerable, it may be true, budden if you really do trust that person whom you are revealing to, wouldnt the feeling be a sense of security rather than vulnerablity?
Monday, July 13, 2009
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Disorder | Rating |
Paranoid: | Low |
Schizoid: | Low |
Schizotypal: | Moderate |
Antisocial: | Low |
Borderline: | Low |
Histrionic: | High |
Narcissistic: | Moderate |
Avoidant: | Low |
Dependent: | Low |
Obsessive-Compulsive: | Low |
-- Personality Disorder Test -- -- Personality Disorder Information -- |
quite true eh
Friday, July 10, 2009
what a birthday eve it is to me, something that i wouldnt have forgotten, the whole world is smiling but it eluded me.
sorry for the emo post, guys
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
what was him thinking before he fall? struggling on the fences, perhaps, and what was him thinking back then.
what prompts him to scream, was his mind a blank? or was he cursing his life, or probably thinking about his loved ones?
what about the last moment when he reaches the ground? insane pain?
i dunno, just thinking too much i suppose.
on a side note, im reading "thanks for the memories", its being put on hiatus thou, cuz i accidentally leave that book to yc and im desperately wanting to finish it.
alright thats all, time for a looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong day.
goodbye :)
PS: how to understand someone thats not meant to be understood?
Sunday, July 5, 2009
ok at least i dont see ppl getting hurt, fucking sick of it *big sigh of relief*.
anyway, what will be the future like for me? i wonder =\
then again, life's fun because of its unpredictablity isnt it?? =)
going off to sleep now, dreaded, hope i dont get sick cuz of the rain (oh yes, i played in the rain =x)
PS: i finally made my torres jersey!
Saturday, July 4, 2009
today i see a girl bleeding REALLY heavily from her mouth, another tragedy
hope this will be the last tragedy that i will see.
anyway, sun tanning is fun (as always)
2 person cycling the same bike is FUN (if you are at the backseat, that is =x)
ok gtg now, finally i can kick a ball tomorrow, so fking missing it =)
Friday, July 3, 2009
while im definitely not traumatized by it, im feeling sad for that person, even though i dunno him.
what puzzles me is that almost everyone's reaction is the same. gossip about it, some even want to go down and see the body.
get a life, the man is dead, respect the dead.
all but one of my friends feels it, he's not traumatized either, he wants to say how he feels, but somehow he cant direct his feelings into words, im in his shoes, i give him a pat on the shoulder, well.. it may seems cruel, but life goes on.
it wouldnt make a difference if it is me, you, or anyone that falls just like that guy, it doesnt matter on how high your social status is, how popular you are, how rich you are, we cant go against the limitation which we were born to have, when you fall from such distance, you got to die.
and whenever anyone dies, someone will mourn for that person, if everyone understands this theory, this world will be a better place.
signs off,
Wednesday, July 1, 2009
"A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."
strikes me quite a lot, find it very, very true.
anyway, life's definitely gotten better, and time flies indeed, in approximately 1 month time, i will be completing my internship, so much for thinking that it will be a tough and tiring period initially.
i love outdoors, im thinking of working this holiday, but the other me is crying out for a break, i dunno, plan to do volunteery work thou.
ok i just realised that im writing it in a very systematic way -.- perhaps im tired, i dunno =\
Friday, June 26, 2009
Saturday, June 20, 2009
on the other hand, i TOTALLY give up on trying to explain to people who doesnt know about I.T. (e.g. my family) how good the specs of the pc is and how cheap it is WITHOUT explaining to them whats inside (cuz they simply dont understand).
the fact is that it is damn cheap and it will last for at least 3 years (both hardware and technology wise), thus, i really feel its worth it for 2.2k (2.4k including monitor), although i said 3 years, i think it can last up till 4years, so lets juz do $2400/4 years and u actually pay $600/year!
whereas if we go for something cheaper (which sadly, probably so), it cannot last that long, i've given up trying to explain besides saying "its really good and cheap" and "its built to last". sadly no 1 in the family has gotten that message, and i wont blame them cuz around 3 years back i know nuts about I.T. either and all i thought was "the more expensive, the better it is",well this is still true but from the expensive's you can actually find the cheaper alternatives.
attachment is fine, very very fine, damn and i thought my work ends on 24th july since theres only 20 weeks of weekly report in my e-portfolio template, but obviously its not true, i still got to work till 14 aug T_T
nvm theres around 7 weeks left, cant wait for it to end, i like to work at there but the reports are really getting on my nerves, its like,sometimes for that week, we will be doing the same things over and over again, so actually ive done a lot of work but when it comes to writing the report, you wouldnt have much to write since its all the same!
but i should be glad cuz i just read my friend's blog few days ago, seeing the way he's cursing his supervisor, ok,im blessed,lol
ok,so,gtg ya,see ya again
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
its not the quantity that counts but the quality,sadly,i failed in both departments
maybe im a weirdo,maybe im just pathetic,i dunno.
Monday, May 25, 2009
even a pass that was miscontrolled would be considered as my fault,all i did was to give a normal pass (wasnt even overhit or whatsoever) and all i got back was a wtf gesture.
i dunno,or rather,im speechless over this (and many other similar incidents).maybe its retribution,for being such a hot head during my early years.
i really want to know how not to piss people off, whatever i did,shuddap,keep it normal,all result in the same thing..
seriously,what to do? i dunno
Sunday, May 10, 2009
ok thats all ba,will update more next time (i promise!)
anyway,man u sucks,period
Sunday, April 26, 2009
feels very deprived of sleep now,budden i think its in a good way =)
went to help out for orientation today, well i can only say that next time i will check for the message integrity and authentication before i sends it out,lol inside story =x
btw im wondering, about this story, which starts too early, too fast, and everything ends too early, too fast. Or maybe the climax died off,i dunno,i hope the story would continue thou,but it seems hard to,just gonna pray for the better =)
thats all mates,good night~
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
i can still remember vividly my first day of poly life, its as if it happened just last week, and im still a freshie (wishful thinking!)
ok that makes me sound old -.-
anyway attachment is fun,yet super tiring,well i can only say that i had definitely learnt a lot. i got a lot of thoughts/feelings in my mind now but im lazy to state all out.
oh and, recently someone just commented (althou jokingly), that im like a girl(not an ahgua!). now that i think through it, its kinda true eh lol =\
cant get the song 天天 by david tao out of my head, it just keeps playing, but i like it =)
oh and erm, look at your right, my friend xin yi, together with her boyfriend, are providing shooting services, both photography and videoing, and covers events.
their website is at here . i had put it on the right as well
all the best for them =)
PS:i got to have self control over adiction
Monday, April 20, 2009
lately, i think that im very lucky,ok example like:
the bus stop at right at i am when im not at the front
the food i queue up for is empty and become damn long after i bought it
ok la sounds lame budden hey, its such small things that affects your day ok,so dont laugh at it =)
Friday, April 17, 2009
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
Monday, April 13, 2009 while i was taking bus to work, a mentally disordered guy board it,and everyone's like so scared of him.
thoughts filled my mind
why are we scared of him?
iszi cuz of his unpredictability?
his outspokenness?
he's noisy?
what did he do actually eh? he juz shouts, and giggles to himself at times, everyone does that, but just so that he did it at the wrong place, and thus everyone's like so scared of him.
well, this prompts me to think that, we are too used to people around us being "normal". anything out of what we think as "normal" would be considered as crazy,dangerous.
to us, they are aliens.
then what they think of themselves? human i guess.
but to them, what they think of us? probably human? maybe they think we are crazy, cuz from their perspective, we arent that "normal",isnt it?
well,i dunno.
but i find that, they are quite fortunate in some sense, they are ever happy, isnt this what everyone longed for?
juz sharing my thoughts thou =\
Saturday, April 11, 2009
kind of creepy isnt it =\
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
Anyway, i think i have got used to wads going on recently (i referring to everything). Sadly but, ya,got used to it already.
lucky i didnt put in too much expectation, because expectation kills,seriously.
next time, next time =\ maybe i tomorrow got into a car crash? no one knows
Monday, April 6, 2009
Friday, April 3, 2009
i love peace
i love challenges
i love sleeps
just being random =\
anyway,it sux (very!) to fall sick,luckily im better now yea. it seems like everyone is busy with their own stuff now,which is good at least we do have some goals in life now isnt it?
a lot of thoughts running wild in my mind,oh man!
ok i should sleep,i made a promise to myself that i should sleep early tonight,so, good night ya!
PS:im tried to find words but sadly i cant find any yet.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
im referring to my experiment i mean, it keeps getting stuck,and one of my friend is like,so demoralised by it already,lol
well what i can say is that, problem = room for improvement isnt it? =)
and lastly,happy april's fool eh,not too late to wish that,and certainly not too late to prank!
good bye :D
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Yea, have been playing with this thing(wireless router) since last week,and possibly a few weeks for now as well.
Well, while i was dozing off one day in the work, mind drifting away,i suddenly realise that,isnt life just about the same as those packets in a toplogy?
We were born with a destination, we dont know what it really is, but we keep finding ways to get to it, sometimes we know our way, sometimes we dont, and need someone to give us a correct route to proceed, sometimes we were lost in the path, thats when we start anew, knowing the mistakes we had made, we try not to repeat the history again. And when we finally reach our destination, we will look back to our beginning spot and wonder "oh how far i had travelled".
lol maybe im just lame la i dunno.
and i know recently to people around me i appeared ignorant to things well..i just cant pick up the enthusiasm to be interested,or at least,pretend to be(im not a pretender btw). and no im not being emo im just stating it, somehow sometimes its better not to totally care too much on whats going around u because it can seriously drives you crazy.
on a sidenote,im so happy that im finally able to complete the whole course of 2.4km run without stopping,timing is improving gradually as well =)
Monday, March 23, 2009
well,life is going good just as i thought its bad, at least its heading towards the right direction and im loving it.
and hey, to the one-im-intending-to,i got a message for u:
"im feeling better now,i got to admit on that day i felt like shit budden, its juz natural la. but you really dont have to feel sorry, i have made a decision to say it and u have made a decision of your own,i respect that infact,im thankful that you are being honest to me. really.
REALLY(i know u are gonna keep asking me "really meh?"-.-)
lets hope that it wont make our friendship turn sour ba,i certainly dont want it to be wasted this way ya =)
so,if u are bored or wad,feel free to lemme know just like last time"
ok if u read this,ya,this is how i feel(REALLY!).
ok gonna sleep now,lets hope liverpool win,then again they always underperform when they are expected to perform,lets hope im wrong =\
good nights!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
1)i will have NOTHING to include into my report
2)i will probably died of boredom before i write my report!
lol crap aside, im enjoying my life currently
yes,i mean everything,everypart of it,if you guys know what i meant,i just want to keep things this way
why fix something if its not broken? ok in some sense its broken but, i got no mood to fix it and i feel just fine about this, its not procastination.
despite that, life do have some problem, but i guess as long as u got brain and u are alive, this will just keeps continuing ba.
should i take the risk to be an even happier man, or what? =\
Monday, March 16, 2009
firstly, during work,my laptop suddenly gives me super weird sound that requires me to dismantle it and then reassemble it and god knows if the problem is totally solved or not.
secondly, i got ATTACK by a crow! for absolutely no reason! lucky i ran first enough if not i would not have made it for this post!
thirdly, i just realised that...i have mistaken conditioner as shampoon and has been using it for like,1 month?!
ok this is my bad bad day,hopefully tomorrow is better!
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Friday, March 13, 2009
btw,attachment,kind of slack so far? besides doing research and writing reports,really cant find anything much to do lol.
the hard part will come next week,and i think im getting used to this life.
hope u guys enjoyed/ing ur attachment too =)
PS:i think im thinking too much budden i juz cant stop it =\
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
definitely not buying SSD ( $ issue lol)
then again thinking of what OS to use, should i make it into totally ubuntu ( since i find it quite nice to use). or partition it such that 80% of it will be windows 7 and the rest ubuntu.
dont know la,lol
a*star surely is fun,the stress is there but to me i see it as a positive push.
lots of research to do!
wired technology is so different from wireless tecnology please, but then, im sure i can handle it(i got to,anyway=\)
the only thing im damn sure is im going to take in more and more coffee,which is bad. lol
Monday, March 9, 2009
heck,anyway the bus ride to buona vista will be DAMN long (notice i emphasize on the word,damn),so what else can i do but sleep,right =\
and i cant sleep until my com got defragmented, k im juz being random on this,1am and suddenly feel like defragmenting my com,lol!
ok anyway,good luck to EVERYONE on tomorrow,first day at work,6 months to go,good luck every1 =D
Saturday, March 7, 2009
anyway every day of this year always makes me think a lot, whenever i see my eldest sister whom i had never seen before but is already up there in heaven.
i will always wonder if shes lonely, as in..we only went to see her once per year.
then again i will think of something else, like life after dead, if theres any, that is.
what will i be if i died?
scientifically saying, my brain will shut down, i cant think, my 5 senses will be gone, i will be in a form of "nothing".
oh maybe i will be in a form of spirit? going either heaven or hell?
then why are there so many wondering spirits out there on earth? are they too emotionally tied to the ground?
beats me, i will know it after i die anyway, but of cuz, i dun wan to know it so soon =p
see ya
Friday, March 6, 2009
things have gotten better i believe.
a slight setback is that im having sorethroat (the consequence of having 20 stingrays at 1 go =\)
changi chalet isnt that bad as what most people think it is, thou some parts of it really feels spooky,but then overall its okay la
sorry to jing han for that "floating head incidient" thou,i didnt mean it =p
and thank god i wasnt caught for breaking that cupboard =x
like that last night the most,where some of us had some really nice chat =)
anyway, attachment starts next week, got to say i havent had enough rest yet, but then i cant wait for it to get started, kind of contradicting
on a sidenote, blog skin has changed
a simpler and nicer 1 (i think!)
got my music removed as many complains its irritating, it starts to get on my nerves too!
removed that useless board..i forgot the name, something which updates me,twister? twitter? ah nvm
removed my chatbox, partly cause i lost the code and well,procrastination.
i have gotten better, definitely, much better, a big thanks, and sorry for everyone's concerns, seriously, i appericates them =)
ok got to go now
3 cheers for my 200th posts =D
Saturday, February 28, 2009
while i was walking the lonely path back to MRT,i nearly cried,infact,i did shed some tears,i tried to hold it,but it was off no use.
sometimes,i really ask myself,what am i to u guys? like,seriously
isit wrong for me to voice out myself?
isit wrong for me to make my mind clear?
i really dunno.
ok i do admit that i get over the top at times, but well..i dunno,i really dunno
isit just me who have this idea of keeping the promise? ok promise is a strong word, it wasnt that serious but,i cant find the right word for that,and im not bother to find it either.
people always say that,
its good to let urself known,to be direct.
but see where i got myself in.
iszi really good?
i dunno
maybe i should be a robot or something? someone, no, something that hides its discontentment and squeeze out a smile as if nothing has gone wrong? no,i cant bring myself to do that,then again maybe thats the reason why i sucked.
and pains me when im leaving, no 1 make an attend to stop me.
not my friend of 8 years, whom i thought was my best ever friend.
not my friend,whom i protected so much when he drops to normal.
no,none did it.
and when i was walking the dark,lonely path back to the MRT,i was hoping maybe someone would just ask me,whats wrong.
then again, thats what hope made of.
it pains me to think that if it was anyone but me, someone would have stopped it.
it pains me to think that after all i had done for them, this is all that happened to me.
it pains me to learn of this fact, in a hard,and cruel manner,that this is how they treats me,how they thought of me,that im not even worth a sentence "stop".
but boy,i know it now.
for me,friendship is well..helping around. or like what some people would like to address it, give,and take.
maybe i have been giving too much, and im taking too little
no,im not complaining,but well...
come to think of it,whenever someone needs me,i will always be there
and when i needed someone? i dun wan to talk about this
people have been telling me what, "im always there"
but well... i dun wan to comment on this.
its all over now, dont worry, i wont find you guys anymore, im not letting you guys to find me either,i doubt that you guys would bother anyway.
and no,i dun wan people to take pity on me, dont offer me a hand just because you thought i need it, im not that pathetic.
and,this will be my last post. so ya,
farewell guys.
ps:shaoting if u are reading this, its not referring to you,budden...i just wanna say sorry to you,i dont seek a forgivement or something,but ya..sorry.
farewell =)
Friday, February 27, 2009
Tuesday, June 22, 2088 Seconds left to live...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
had my last paper today,CSF,it wasnt so bad,budden wasnt very good either,duno wad im toking
Now i've got to wait for my exam results.
and i didnt know i need 30 CCA points to be qualified for medals,damn.
AND,lemme make myself clear.
to whoever reading this,and this includes the concerning party(dun wanna mention names).
i really,really hate people to keep using the same thing to threaten me,espiecally IF its u who started to irritate me FIRST.
go spread to others that i suck la,wadeva,dammit.
ended up with a bad note,hope tomorrow will be better anyway.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
but what if life gives u lemonS?
things arent easy for me this few days. lets see wad i had suffered
i injured my armpit (lets not talk about this -.-)
i injured my left LEG(yea,the whole of it)
and my laptop spoiled.
well it all started on a fine friday, i woke up,happily switch on my laptop,and it gives 1 long and 2 short beeps.
GG,thats what i thought
indeed it is,after trying like numerous times,hoping that it will miraclely self-healed.apparently, and rather obviously, my prayers werent answered
while still cursing the laptop but given up on figuring out what happened, i know this laptop got to be screwed (literally!)
had enough bad luck?
no,more to come -.-
ok then i was lying on my bed,reading through my newspaper,and right after i stand up,i injuried my left knee (gees i dunno how i did that!).
so,losing mobility on both occasion (physically and, internet access). feels like shit.
my life was always revolved around,sports,and yea,internet.
and this 2 had deserted me in an instant.
thankfully, it wasnt for long, im back with both now.
so this is how i went MIA (incase any1 was wondering!).
btw, watched "curious case of benjamin button" on valentine's day, with 2 GUYS (sherman and ken) psss,its not what u think!
those who havent watch it better do,cuz its a really very meaningful show.
no matter how u start your life, you end up the same.
thats the message i got from it.
so guys/girls,what u waiting for??
go watch lar!
points-to-note: dont watch the show if u only got front row to choose, im SERIOUS!
ok thats it man,time to study for exam.good nights!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
Friday, February 6, 2009
so many things happened, and so many things left undone.
dunno if im gonna get my wish granted,haiz
on a better note
IPD finally end! and please la i really hate hypocrite man, stupid fat ass.
On top of that, i got into a-star!
gosh im so looking forward for it, if what the interviewers said is anything to go by, im gonna learn c programming and soc programming in the space of 1 month!
guess theres no time for me to rest isnt it =\
well, if my poly life is to be compared to a long race, then i think im at the ending part of it, you know, those part where the racer increase their pace and no signs of stopping until he reach the end.
ya im feeling just that.
26th feb's gonna be my last paper.
then if everything goes smoothly, i will have class chalet from 1st to 3rd of march.
then maybe going malaysia after that till 8th march.
then my attachment starts on the very next day, 9th!
i think i need more rest than that, its like, i want some time of my own, then again, i dont want to miss the chance to be with my friends, if only my holiday is 1 week longer,argh!
nvm things will work out fine(i guess!)
3 tests left, IN4, CSF, FNS.
3 tests to decide my grades.
but for now, i just wanna rest
oh and damnit theres this director session next friday, still must wear appropriate.
photography has come to an end, having mixed feeling on this, the good is that i dont have to rush for shots every weekend, the bad is that, i really like photography (despite the fact that i cant be bothered to upload the shots i took).
ok la,got to go already, its 3:14am already, i have been staring at the screen with no idea what to do,see how much time i had wasted!
and guys,do pray on me that i will succeed okay? on....*er hem*
thats IF i got the guts to do it or not=(
good nights!
Sunday, January 18, 2009
快要做工了! 说穿了只是实习罢了,被老师选上了,从我的课程里选上了12位学生参与实习,12只白老鼠?哈哈。
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
Monday, January 12, 2009
basically these few days have been busy trying to take some shots for my photography. went to ang mo kio park on friday,and i saw this thing.
like so weird, a cage at ang mo kio park, from the look of it it seems like its meant to catch something,which i dont know for what la,looks spooky to me
something very bad happened on sat,seriously,i dont mind going out late,but i definitely hate sudden change of plan,and espiecally so if it can be informed earlier,and espiecally of espiecally so if it can be prevented. i wont be drawn into word war thou,juz stating my thoughts thats all.
i dont understand why one can pick up another shift which ends at 6,when obviously he knows hes meeting someone at 4,and worst of all he leave it till last min before informing that particular person he is going out with,when that person had already prepared everything,and was about to go out.
i dont see the logic in it,or maybe im just not logical,am i?
i know im not perfect, but hey did i ever put u guys into situation like that? did i?
now im going to sleep,good night
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
initially i tell myself he will be fine,and i just walk past them,but something in me just tell me to stop,soon i go back to them,and ask if they need help.
their eyes are filled with worriedness,and one thing comes straight into my mind.
i need to fucking get an ambulance.
called the ambulance,looking at them,i feel helpless,i duno wad to do,just wait.
the guy then stopped grasping,i dont if he had calmed down or he went out of air,im totally blurred,i felt like crying.
and the ambulance came,i shout at them to catch their attention,to let them know that we are there,help them with the stretcher,the guy is given oxygen,and is sent to the hospital.
i just hope that he will be fine,i will pray for him,and i hope anyone that reads this,do that as well.
please god,help him.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
well,looking back at 2008,i would say there,theres more good than bad ya.
althou the bads are really bad,budden,if im asked if i regret the whole process,i would say no.
i dont really have a new year resolution eh.
some may say that i should find a gf,budden,i dont really care la,not that im gay but...its complicating,lol =)
now lets see what i have learnt this year,ok,i mean,last year.ha!
1)to use both heart and brain to decide on something,and dont let heart overwhelmes my thoughts.
2)this time for real,i have appericate,to treasure life.
3)i know how brittle how 1 life can be,no matter how superior/smart/strong you are.
ah ha! now i have got a resolution.
that is...
To spend quality time with my loved ones =)
ok la,so thats it.
hello 2009! thou its a belated greetings =\
budden,may we have a good year!