Friday, October 9, 2009

this post is directed to MISS you-know-who-you-are,

seriously, if you say that you can, MAKE DAMN SURE you can

you are not only wasting my breathe, time, and espeically...

i hate empty promises

but dont worry, i wont ask for that again, i should have known that i should saved my effort to persuade you and use it to do better things instead

and to think that you still got the cheek to say "yea, its just as you expected, im not free", ok so im expecting that and you are damn happy to prove me right?

ok, now lemme make another "expectation"

i wouldnt find you for any things already, be it small or big matters, and im EXPECTING that you wouldnt give a damn

prove my expectation right then, suits me fine

seriously, wtf

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