Yea 200th posts here, decided to continue blogging,no point leaving my blog to rot.
things have gotten better i believe.
a slight setback is that im having sorethroat (the consequence of having 20 stingrays at 1 go =\)
changi chalet isnt that bad as what most people think it is, thou some parts of it really feels spooky,but then overall its okay la
sorry to jing han for that "floating head incidient" thou,i didnt mean it =p
and thank god i wasnt caught for breaking that cupboard =x
like that last night the most,where some of us had some really nice chat =)
anyway, attachment starts next week, got to say i havent had enough rest yet, but then i cant wait for it to get started, kind of contradicting
on a sidenote, blog skin has changed
a simpler and nicer 1 (i think!)
got my music removed as many complains its irritating, it starts to get on my nerves too!
removed that useless board..i forgot the name, something which updates me,twister? twitter? ah nvm
removed my chatbox, partly cause i lost the code and well,procrastination.
i have gotten better, definitely, much better, a big thanks, and sorry for everyone's concerns, seriously, i appericates them =)
ok got to go now
3 cheers for my 200th posts =D
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