Friday, December 31, 2010

Good luck, happy new year to everyone =D

Im off to pulau ubin. wheeee

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

So last time my right ankle got injured, and then my left ankle, and then my right knee, and now its my back, gosh. I think by the age of 40 I wont be able to go anywhere without a stick!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Im dedicating this song to everyone, especially to those that are busy with life (thats including me, of cause)..

I wish I could sing it out to you guys, but trust me you wouldnt want to hear it.

Just want to tell you guys that none of you is forgotten and all of you are loved!

Growing up is a shitty process but I believe all of us have the capabilities to pull it through.

So until the next time I see you guys, trust me, and believe me, I was there, is still there, and will be there. Because just as you think you really need someone, theres a good chance that the same particular someone needs you as much too.

Lets grow up together, shall we? ;)

Monday, December 20, 2010

I think, I should start to do charity work, probably something related to environment or animal protection, who's with me?

Saturday, December 18, 2010

Self-assumption can be a very dangerous thing.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Tough to forgive, even tougher to forget.

I realized that I have this very big flaw in me, that once me and someone's particular relationship was tainted before, its very hard to make it right again, and thats despite reminding myself constantly that it will be better this time, but the truth is, deep down, something inside me went missing whenever someone broke me. So much so that I dont feel that same towards the same person anymore.

Probably thats why I dont act the same like last time, trust me, I want to, but its too darn hard.