Wednesday, December 24, 2008
anyway..i just want to blog about this when the feeling is still fresh.
i have always thought that my mum is great,and today,after what happened,it can only prove me more right.
look,i went outta my house at around 11+,went to play bball wif jeff,and then had supper(which i didnt eat) with ken and gang at about 1+.
after the supper,we then decide to play bball again,and this time,2+,my phone rang.
my mum called me to ask where am i.
i was quite surprised that shes still awake,cuz usually she will be sleeping after 12,which is when her favourate show ends.
anyway,i tell her that im going to eat supper(this time for real!).and tell her to sleep early.
and later,we went to mac to take a break,by then it was already drizzling,but we ignored the sign despite obviously whats coming.
by the time we decide that its time to go home,its pouring.
got no choice but to stay on in mac longer.
the rain finally stops a bit by 3:30AM,and that's when i know that im so damn late for home,so i urge all the other guys to go home as well.
while we were walking back to my house(they want to borrow umbrella).
my mum rang me again.
she didnt sound angry,okay actually she does, is overwhelmed by the worridness in her voice.
and once again,i tell her that im on my way home this time,and i ask her,why never go to sleep. her respond to my question...really touched me.
"u are my son,im worried for u"
i became speechless,its just...kind of strikes me,so i just tell her "aiya im reaching home already".
by the time i reached home,its 4AM already.
surprisingly,the main door isnt close,only the metal door is,and shes standing at there,waiting for my arrival,when i saw this scene,i really dunno wad to say.
i am touched,and at the same time,im feeling really guilty,i mean...she can sleep at 12am,and she waits for me all the way until 4am,juz to see that im safely home.
she didnt lecture me after that,she just says..
"sleep early"
my reply to her is the same,im so touched by her action that im losing my words.
mum,u are the best,really.
Monday, December 15, 2008
fns is alright i guess.
csf is just a bit better,i guess.
lemme see,i have watched;
body of lies,
nick and norah infinite playlist.
all are nice shows,must watch ok? esp body of lies,very very nice show.
oh and i should really,really find something better to do before i start rotting at home
Thursday, December 11, 2008
most notable,my sis.
ok this occurs just now,while me and jeff were outside eating supper,thats about 1am,she messages me this.
"u coming back liao or not? Poly student got so late come home one meh!"
thats exactly what she type,i mean like,c'mon la wads her fucking problem im just going outside to eat right? my mum never say anything why she see fking come and disturb me? wads her damn problem?
ok inregarding about your question "poly student got so late come home one meh!".
lemme tell u wad,the answer is no doubt,YES.
but of cuz im not trying to say things like "oh they do go home late so i should follow suit"
no,of cuz not,its not like im doing this everyday. i did this occasionally.
ok let me see what normal poly students have done,or at least,80+% of them. (any 1 thats stated)
ok of cuz these 4 stuffs are not within my interest, but c'mon im juz trying to state the fact that at least im among the 10+% of good "kids" remaining.
and staying overnight outside for poly students? thats so common for god sake.
and guess what,over my entire 18 years of life,i can tell u that,the amount of days i spent staying overnight outside,without including chalet,is less than the 10 fingers i have.
to be exact,i can only remember once when i stayed overnight,and that was for prawning.
now lemme ask u,how many poly students can boast about such things?
try grab anyone in poly that do what i did.
try it,fucking try it.
of cuz,im not saying that,i muz be just like the rest of the poly students,im not interested in such things,but of cuz there will be days when i just feel like,being wild,being....i dunno?
just,do something i want?
and going out for supper at midnight,this is the fucking respond that i got.
ok i really dont get it.
its not like im going out to drink,bet or have sex.
k its concern,i know,but please just trust ur child alright?
ah fuck it,like im ever going to get this type of freedom,even if juz occasionally.
fuck it
Thursday, December 4, 2008
and guess what,i still haven study ONE BIT,no joke,i swear,for those who thinks im those bookworm type,you are so wrong.
but of cause im not gonna screw up my poly results that way lar,im going to revise soon,when i got the mood to =) hehe.
anyway,photography is fun,thou still cant really figure out how to do this and that.
took some good shots too,got time should upload them =)
anyway,i found out that,154 dont go anywhere near ang mo kio -_-,personal experience,long
i think i wasted 4 hours of my life time today,thx to fns (mr chan). his "revision" is seriously crap.
and please la,wads "if u are meant to fail you will fail,initially i do pity them but as times past i got used to it,its the same for other people,other occupation"
hello? u think all like you meh,look at mr Lau,sucha good teacher,definitely better than you by a lot a lot!
last but not least!
if anyone who's reading do have the time,go and search this song.
love story by taylor swift.
sosososo nice =D
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Friday, November 21, 2008
ok guys,take a look at the circled men,3 cheapskate bastard (actually still got a lot more)
ok the incident goes like this
zhi jie dropped his coin on the table while we were eating,and a ten cents coin actually rolled to the circled guys' table.
guess what happened?
they took the 10cents coin in such a swift moment as if its $100 dropping down from sky. and they just put into their wallet, didnt return to us.
and please its so obvious the coin belongs to us, cause zhi jie dropped quite a lot coins,so logically they sure know our coin rolled there
decided to look at those cheapo bastards' face,i turned and saw them wearing branded shirts,and guess what,their bags are all branded.
crumple,ink,nike,etc etc etc.
i know singapore is under finicial crisis la,but surely 10 cents can be spared also right?
need money so much tell me lo,i can give u 20cents,ok?
cheapo -.-
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Monday, November 17, 2008
i remember when i was in primary school,theres once when the moment i woke up,i saw a black cat with a pair of shining green eyes just not far away from me!
as expected,i freaked out.
i remember about 2 years ago,something itchy on my right right makes me wake up,only to find out that its a BIG cockroach crawling on my right hand!
and again,i freaked out.
i thought thats gonna be the last creature to greet me in the morning.
how wrong i am.
today morning, while im still in a blur blur mod doing lazy stretching,i opened my eyes,and saw a lizard about 15CM,which was almost right infront of my face!
for god sake all these little creatures please do not disturb MY wonderful morning,no wonder you guys are called pest,its not without a reason.
stupid lizard,spoil my morning,zzz
Sunday, November 16, 2008
theres this funny clip that i have been wanting to post,but just couldnt find the time.
lol sounds damn wrong sia,what makes it funnier is the fact that they are trying to sound so innocent -.-
and on top of that,i think that mirror is not that scary,only one part shocks me,when a dog suddenly pop out behind the window,which is totally irrelevant,tells it all.
and damn it la i just cannot get the scene out of my head!
it seems like the rewind and play button in my mind is spoiled, zzz.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
and yes,it lived up to its usual expectation,you know,the cool bond and the explosive actions.
i think i should say that i prefer this actor more than anyone who has acted as james bond, despite some obvious winkles on his face, he has got the charm, and looks cool in the suits.
anyway,common test is approaching,and yet im still feeling the ah-whatever mood,i still haven properly revised YET. i should be feeling anxious,but then,strangely,i dont feel a thing.
seriously im not being emo or what,but i really see no objective currently in my life.
like,everyone grows up,go to school,get a work,and die? well i dont know.
everytime read through the mags,and biography,i always asked myself,"whats my life compared to theirs'?"
and when i say objectives,i meant something more,not just things like "oh i will score a gpa of 4"
i wouldnt say its meaningless stuff,but hey,i need to find something greater to achieve.yea,maybe =\
but despite saying so,i guess i should be worrying about my near future,at least,6 more months i guess.
ok ya,thats it man,goodbye
PS: i hate LECTURER with double-standards
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
SAFFC vs Super Reds.
SAFFC won by a stunning 3-0 scoreline,which speaks volume of how dominance SAFFC is during the match.
maybe because i got so used to Kallang stadium,when i got into Yishun stadium,im quite disappointed.
budden i think its just normal reaction because the difference in capacity is so huge(Kallang = 55k, Yishun = about 2k?,maybe lesser)
and please la,singaporeans are really singaporeans,super cheapskate please,because its free entry after half time,so before half time its like quite empty,and after that it reached full capacity -.-
erm,the standard of the match is...not bad i guess,maybe i got used to watching european football already,the pitch is much smaller than how it seems to be on TV. but certainly watching in the stadium is much better,you can really feel the match.
and after the match ended,saw some adult bully a kid,because the kid is a SAFFC fan and they are Super Reds fans.
hey please la bully kid very happy is it? childish people,so much for being adults.
should watch more s league matches!
byebye =)
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
ok u see ar,he made all the efforts sending us email,telling us to choose the elective for next sem,and how smart of him to not include as of how to make the selection.
think thats smart enough?
he can amuse u.
right,today morning,saw him,asked him about it.
me:"cher,how do i select the elective?"
bastard:"ask ur frens"
me:"my friends doesnt know"
bastard*points to another class*:"ask that class,they did it already"
then zhi kai went into that class and ask them how to choose,they say they DONT KNOW.
and then i asked vivian how to choose,then vivian tell me.
"oh,just reply to him back the email and say what u wan"
Monday, November 3, 2008
Saturday, November 1, 2008

Wednesday, October 29, 2008
u know,school is a funny place,u go there feeling tired,u go home feeling even more tired!
this is how my daily schedule is like
1)wake up(tired)
2)go school(energetic)
3)go home(super tired)
4)reach home(damn tired)
goes back to 1.
eeyer!!! damn it la,i like,almost the whole day feel tired k -.-
i bet if i wake up during holiday at the same time for different thing,i wun feel tired at all lo.argh
and,im currently having phobia la,maybe cause of what happened,guess i will need a long time to get over with it,budden,its over already,i guess. =)
PS: the food at prize presentation is not bad.
good bye~
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
had my 2nd french lesson today,and did a play,well i guess i didnt do very well,but heck,who gives a damn,i juz wanna learn french.
well,french,is quite easy to learn i guess,getting used to it already,lets juz say im a genius? lol juz kidding =p
i still cant remember totally how to say the numbers from 0 to 50 yet -.-
alright,time for some happy news ok!
i received a letter,i gotten prize for getting good academic result! =D gonna be richer
and my mum keep asking me to get some scholarship thingy,its not that i dont want lar,but the rules are like so complicating,furthermore,i think that studying is to learn new things,and not to earn
football weekly is cheating my feeling lo,say what "winner will be notified by post". 1 week since then i still haven receive a letter from them! guess im going to call them up tomorrow ba,zzz.
im like so lazy now a days,dont really have the mood to revise,still in holiday mood ba i guess? and im so damn damn tired!
ok ba,i think im gonna catch some beauty sleep already=x
good nights
Monday, October 20, 2008
zhuo mingde11/07/1990
You are Orange Sheep, who are elegant and never do things that would break the peace of society.
You will never have to worry about basic necessities like food, housing and clothes.
You can have relationships by adapting to the other person, and you are faire towards personal relationships and to different opinions.
You don't make yourself look grand, and you live life naturally.
Nevertheless, you actually have your likes and dislikes of people, and on ideas.You just don't show it.
You don't push so much to stick with your plans or make your ideals come true. Therefore you tend to whine a lot.
Sometimes you cannot control your feelings and get carried away. But it won't last long.
You tend to get heated up and at the same time can easily be cooled down.
Your personality is well balanced. But you should be careful not to get too passionate, because it may lead to unexpected failure.
Use your ability to understand other people's minds and the ability to give objective appraisal.
You will be successful, if you can enhance your mental side and be able to handle diverse matters.
You are suited to socially recognized occupations like doctors and professors.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
and rather expected,i played like shit -.- i think if im gonna feature in FM(which is HIGHLY impossible).my composure's gonna be 1 =\
everytime i receive the ball,i got so f**king nervous k,so not like what i used to be.
my defending skill dropped,my running skill dropped,my ball control dropped,passing dropped.
the only thing that is not bad(NOT BAD only),is my shot,less powerful than the past,but,still okay lar =\
aiya,nvm,gonna improve.
anyway,i think im alright now,althou it seems that im always fine but hey,everyone has their fair share of bad period ok.
during holiday,i did something,no,ALMOST did something that i may regret for the rest of my life. and until recently i keep wondering if i should carry it on.
but im fine now,seriously,i have seen close friend losing their friend,and how sad they were.
well,i dunno,sometimes people must be wondering,"if i die,will anyone cry for me?i doubt so".
the truth is,it didnt take long for u to end ur life,but it takes years for your loved ones to recover from losing you,so...ya,think twice =)
ps: i never thought of ending my life,so,dont misinterpret what i have said,im just being randomly logical.
as in..ya,life has a lot of bad moments,but you got to bring up your courage to continue living,cuz after every rain theres a rainbow.
anyway,just browse through some of my friends' blogs,and im glad to find out that they are doing well.
ok thats all ya,good night peeps =)
Saturday, October 18, 2008
so,in order to find out which is my more dominant brain,i decided to go through some online test,and the results that came out is rather strange.
"Your percentage score for the left brain is 51%.Your percentage score for the right brain is 49%."
that is the final results from
not really happy with it,cause,i dunno,it just feels weird,1 side of ur brain got to be more dominant.
thus,i took another test,this time from.
Brain Lateralization Test Results |
Right Brain (48%) The right hemisphere is the visual, figurative, artistic, and intuitive side of the brain. Left Brain (48%) The left hemisphere is the logical, articulate, assertive, and practical side of the brain |
personality tests by
alright i guess i just got to accept that i got a balanced mind. is that good or is that bad? i dunno. but despite being unhappy with the results,i guess its the most suitable outcome for me,at least this explains why i tend to contradicts myself =\
its like,for example,the school life,sometimes i hate it for being so organized and predictable,while sometimes i like it for the same exact reason
aiya never mind,i already know im a weird person,so its not that surprising for a weirdo to get a weird
on another note,prawning at bishan there is much,MUCH better than prawning at geylang(at least thats what i think).caught more prawns there,will upload the pictures soon,if i never procasinate,that is =p
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
too used to sleeping late in the night,and u know what happened la,the next day go school = X_X. and 74 is always so squeezy,always cant find an empty space for me to sleep.zzz
lemme see,went out with yc and friends on monday,played snake n ladder,lol,sucha retro game,but sure can find lots of fun in it =)
anyway,the lecturers so far are not bad,quite interested in FNS now,looks fun,IPD like oso quite nice,haha.
this sem's gonna be a tougher sem than before,must buck up more!
Sunday, October 12, 2008
and i oso bought fifa09,wohooooo
oh ya,advertisment time.
interested party please email me hor,the email is directly at right side,so dont say u cant find,selling cheap,but quote the price,thx =)
Friday, October 10, 2008
Thursday, October 9, 2008
oh ya anyway,i went to my poly frens' chalet on oct 1st to 3rd(IF i didnt remember wrongly la).
well its quite fun thou not a lot people go(aiya as usual la u know those said-want-go-but-never-appear type).
the 1st day i was kind of exhausted as i didnt have much sleep before coming to the chalet,and yet we still keep ourselves awake by constantly telling each other to eat prata,which,we didnt eat in the end =\.
k lar not that good yet,but hor,an advice to those who wants to learn riding,juz ride downslope,seriously lo after u drive downslope right you wont forget tat feeling already,i think that riding is more like a feeling than something that logic can explain
and hor,it's not fun playing basketball at pasir ris there lor,the police come so fast k! its only 11+ and soon police come when we haven even finish a match -.-
and as for the 2nd day,pretty much the same lar,just that i finally managed to eat my prata,and got
then went back to the chalet and sleep -.- ok lar initially i turn the air con to 32 degree cuz i thought that by turning up the temperature those pigs(tze tian,zhi jie,boon yong) will not have the mood to sleep,turns out that i fall asleep also -.-
the BBQ at night was fun,but a bit..凄凉 cuz some people never come ba,and those that came late arrived right after we finished eating -.-
and so much for boon yong saying taking a walk around the park la,it rains -.- and we were soaked when we manage to get back to chalet,and i got so tired that i didnt feel like going home,so yea i spent another night at there
and heres the punishment for being a sleepypig
ok lar gtg alr,finally blogged,bye!!!
PS:im an emo,LOL
Thursday, September 25, 2008
thats what she said,
"do u feel like in msn we can talk alot or talk anything....but when to real person abit dont know wad to say"
actually thats true la,no need tell me i also know,but i cant help it,i shy ma,like seriously la,even if its hard to believe,budden,its the truth lar,lol
i may appear ignorant or sound like it,but i dont know how to express my thoughts well when conveying to girls(well,most of them!).
but at least im making progress lar,i remember last time when i was super jia lat -.-
nonetheless,thx ar for highlighting my problem =)
i try my best to improve ar!
aiya anyway,got to study together next sem onwards,will be forced to talk more,lol
ok lar,thats it,good bye!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
well the most notable thing is that i have finally upgraded my internet speed to 10Mbps from the original 3Mbps,i cant really tell the difference lar actually thou supposedly it should be 3X faster.
oh and finally,i get what i wanted for IS module, french + photography,and the school sux lar please,there's only like 4 vacancies per class,what the hell?
not that i got some problem with them,but,they are really proving me wrong as what people always said "adults know how to plan"
and 4 vacancies is really a very small amount,juz when i was hesistating which time slot should i choose,and proof,
so funny isnt it? the objective for us to choose,is to get into the same class with our friends,and if u give us so little vacancy,as u wan us to mix around,might as well auto assign right?stupid bunch of idiots.
now im into hotshot,well its a very nice show,yes there are some basketball tricks that arent real,but it doesnt look very..fake,looks quite natural la,got time must watch ar =)
what goes up,will come down
but what comes down,may never go up again
Thursday, September 18, 2008
woo tell u what lying in the middle of the road at 2am feels shiok =D
ok maybe im just crazy -.-
its about 1 month before holiday ends,and im counting down,just for the sake of it =\ i cant wait for the arrival of next week okay? because by then i can play soccer EVERYDAY
and yeaaa my internet speed's upgraded xD
think i got to change my blogskin soon,got quite sicked of it,budden again,im just lazy to find 1 =p procasinating
btw,watch this video,damn funny,cant stop watching,lol;
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
its not that i got insomnia or anything like that,but night activity sure is fun isnt it?
oh when i mentioned night activity i mean watch soccer,chat on msn,surf on net,nothing dirty ok! im a pure guy =) really! (perhaps =\)
ok so because of that,im gonna set myself a meaningless target,since its gonna be futile -.-,anyway,my target issssssssssssssssssssss.......................
to get 8 hours of sleep everyday!
you know recently i read some articles,its about quality of sleeping,or something like that,actually the best time for us to sleep is from 10pm to 2am,because its when our body repairs to the max efficiency.
but c'mon lar who gives a damn seriously,we are all bound to die 1 day,isnt it? =\
maybe in 20 years time i will change my opinion on it =p
and im still deciding if i should rot at home or go out today -.-
arggggghhh i cant wait for school to start,but on the other hand,i dont want to study just yet
how contradicts -.-
ok bye peeps XD
Monday, September 15, 2008
which in english means
"u and jeffrey never did any weird stuff right?"
got totally dumb struck by it k? like totally random lar,also dunno what my mum is thinking -.-
k lar on my part im random for calling jeffrey to come over so late in midnight to watch soccer,but bored what,what do u expect,watch alone very boring one ok.
then after that we went out,intentionally to play basketball,and,due to many many stupid reasons,at last never play,and due to the same many many stupid reasons,i was forced to come home and come back over and over again.
perhaps thats the reason that makes her thinks that theres something wrong ba
haiyo,parents sure like to think too much isnt it =\
ya ok,its concern,but i dont understand la
maybe when i grow up i will understand
Sunday, September 14, 2008
but thats not the important thing,the important thing is....we went prawning!
and so much for benjamin saying we MUZ prawn in bishan,at last oso ended up in geylang! make me pay taxi somemore *rawr*
you know,the smell there is not kind of what im expecting,that kind of...fishy fishy smell? lol,i dunno hw to describe it,the smell there is much better,not exactly plesant,but,not bad.
begining of prawning...
lazy ass caught off guard!
and after 3 hours.we caught....we caught....we caught....2 PRAWNS. if minus away the 1 that the shop lady helped us,we caught just 1 -.-
cant blame us ok! the pond we prawn at totally sux to the core,the float got no respond at all,even those pro uncles come and try also nvr catch anything.
but luckily,got 1 uncle DAMN nice,he give us prawns,hohoho,like 20+ of them leh! he just give it to us man,initially he keep scolding vulgar,i thought he's a bad egg,but hey,surely hes a nice guy =)
and beginning of BBQ,the first graveyard for prawns
2 idiots + 1 smarty pointing V sign on our preys(well,literally),it taste great man! like seriously,should go and try it.
ok heres a little advertisment ok? the prawning place is at geylang lorong 8,near happy hotel.
go there catch prawn!go!
Monday, September 8, 2008
anyway,have u guys ever feel like,u are tired,budden fresh at the same time? i know its kind of contradicting but... its just what im feeling now.
despite the time now,i would say that 1:30AM is quite an early time for me,as in,usually at this time,my sister will still be using the laptop,watching tv,lights on.
but everything has an exception,and now,its just me who is awake=\
feel bored,so decided to log onto kicks,and rather expectedly,no a lot people is there,guess there arent many weirdos like me.
but i kind of like the feeling now,u know,that kind of... seems-like-im-the-only-person-awake-on-earth-now that kind of feeling
not after i have seen so many people in msn -.- bunch of party spoilers,boooo
anyway i went out today,SUPPOSEDLY with the aim of finding a job
its then after me and yc reached mrt that we were wondering if jeffrey is there or not,so much for him calling us to meet 1pm at yck mrt to find job ar -.-
and unsurprisingly,he is not there,called his phone,no respond,sleeping,thats it
went right up his house,peep through the window,and damn he is really sleeping -.- totally lost the mood to go out,not in that angry way but,just lost the mood,laziness creeps into me,lol
and it is only after we tapped the ez link the i confess what im thinking,lol,sorry ar for those that wasted their 66cents =x
wow and finally,after holding on the urge for so long,i finally manage to do it!
finally got to eat botak-jones!(what are u thinking u dirty fellow? =p)
oh and guess wad,price increases,quantity decreases -.-
went on to play fifa after that,can u imagine?argentina trashing spain 9-3? lol xD
ok lar,gtg le,theres still badminton tml,wheee
Saturday, September 6, 2008
shadow man

Thursday, September 4, 2008
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
after watching it,i felt that...well,human trafficking happens anywhere,and to any person,be it the poor,the rich,the ugly,the pretty,it can happen to anyone
some girls may think "im too smart to get fooled into this kinda stuff"
the truth is that,i believe those who got tricked into forced prostitution felt the same too,only to realise that it isnt as simple as they think.
in this documentry the people interviewed are very,very lucky,they returned traumatized,but besides that,they are fine.
not like some other who came back having mental disorder,STD.
so people out there,i dont care much if u watch it or not, i just wanna tell anyone that is reading this post to beware,and be cautious.
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
i was so tired la(still am anyway) so im going to sleep
well before i do,read this!
Monday, September 1, 2008
Sunday, August 31, 2008
but nvm lar its a nice movie anyway,not much movie is worth watching the second time,espiecally me,this is the first time i pay twice for the same movie
so guys,and girls,what u waiting for?
go catch it ASAP!
oh and i finally bought the one republic album already,one funny think i noticed is that the limited edition version of the album,is $2 cheaper than the normal edition,like wth? -.-
and did i tell u guys? i finally bought my bluetooth headset XD
tml going queensway,and shoping spree continues =)
good bye!
Friday, August 29, 2008
hai,what can i say?i rejected other jobs in the hope of working with my friends,and missed some job opportunities because of their hesistation,i didnt complain a bit,but what i get in the end?
i dont want to talk about it.
maybe its just me,but im those say-it-and-mean-it type.
maybe i should just change,for the worst,to get a better grib of this world,to become one of what many others are doing?
its time for me to seriously think over it,like sudden change of mind over something,backstabbing,maybe i should have those stuff installed in my mind rather than filtering them out.
no,im not joking,im serious
Thursday, August 28, 2008
beats me =\
anyway,went to the IT show today,search high and low for my dearest bluetooth headset,and yea,its a futile effort -_- cant imagine the whole 5 stories of comex only sell a total of less than 10 different kind of bluetooth headset
some people tell me to buy those wired one for sports headset,but its very irritating to run with it and then the wire keep bounching infront of you eh
a bit regreted never work in comex i guess,initially didnt want to go work in comex is because i think that i may not have time to fish out the headset,budden turns out that out of so many shops there arent even 1 that sell the headset i want -.-
aiya never mind,none the less,i guess i seriously got to find a job by next month,im feeling the rot,like seriously
as for the headset....guess i will purchase it online then,which arent so safe eh.
following apply to my sec/pri sch friend.
its teachers' day tomorrow,very few people want to go back to school,and majority of us didnt want to,and even if they want,we dont know what to do after that,and lots and lots of stupid stuff going on ba,i can tell that some are sad,while some doesnt even care
for those that are feeling disappointed about that,well,i can only say sorry ya.. lets just hope that perhaps one day we can all meet up again eh?
budden isnt that what we have always been saying?
"next time sure go out"
"next time i will go"
"next time be sure to call me"
next time,next time,next time
maybe we are so young right now and we haven experience much situation where our loved ones leave us alone in this world,that the phrase "next time" is so common that it has become an excuse with no much meaning into it,more like saying something just for the sake of making yourself feel good.
sadly,the truth is that
most of the time,it will take the absence of someone to realise the importance of that particular someone,budden,before that,its too late already,isnt it?
but that says,this is a democratic world isnt it?
people got to choose what they like and what they dont like to do.
and for those that thinks that its such a boring thing going out with your old friends,well....i wouldnt blame you nor i will be angry of you.
but,its a funny world isnt it?
to think that the people that you so looking forward to see in school everyday back then,have become just some non-essiential people in your life already.
its a funny world?
in deed
Monday, August 25, 2008
1)a job
2)exercise daily
3)improve on my vocab
(bottom are those that may or may not happen)
4)learn an instrument,notably piano
5)learn java
6)do charity work
this feels so weird,i suddenly miss school,but on the other hand,i dont really miss it,feel like going back to school but not study,and whats the point of going to school and not study? ar heck im contradicting myself but who cares -.-
and i really,really feel like changing my blog skin,the more i look at it the more sian i feel about it, budden again,im lazy =\
cant wait for 15sept =)
Friday, August 22, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
pardon my randomness,im just too bored
back to work =)
Saturday, August 2, 2008
have u soccer manic catch the brazil vs singapore match? if no,sucha waste! its a once in a life time chance u know?
and so much for singapore saying that they will attack,they literally played a 4-6-0 at the beginning -.- and they played much better after they change to 4-4-2,manage to content the brazil from the front,and that is what they should have done earlier on lar!
my aoop theory test 2 is alright,and gosh theres so many test paper to chiong,and whe i wan to DL it from mel, it says what server error,like wth!
nvm actually i got no intention to do today also,so suits me fine =p
and recently something happened to my friend's friend,which deeply affected my friend,althou he still smile like he used to,but somehow you can feel that its very different ba
cant be helped,even if its me,i will feel the same too,just hope that he can cheer himself up soon ba,and that taught me a lesson,in the sense that never take other people for granted,or think that they will be there tomorrow,but the fact is,you never know when one will leave this world.
not even about yourself,who knows,maybe you suddenly suffer a heart attack? maybe a drunk driver drive pass u? we never know
can u be so sure u will still be here the next 24hours? the probability is high,yes,but there will still be chance that you will leave,and the same applies to your friend,your family,your classmates,anyone.
so please,treasure them while they are there,and not feel regret when they arent there.
i hope kay hwa will get happier soon =)
ok alright,i got to go now,see yea guys =)
Sunday, July 27, 2008
erm... complete all of my cisco online module and finished up my MOL except laplace
you know this world is so unexciting please,all the mathematician from years ago had discovered all the formulars,and whats left for us?
plenty of maths formular to learn,plenty of maths questions to solve,and plenty of things to headache on
and where are there now?
living in heaven(probably still counting the money they earned when they were alived)
and we got nothing left to discover,no new formular to discover,so selfish of them,find all the shortcut to get rich,and left us all in hell. -_-
maybe 1 day i will find out something new,and call it mingde formular,just like how things like laplace transform,etc etc
nah,wait a sec
i dont want people to be scolding my name many years down the road cuz of the problem i had given them,nah im not that bad =)
gtg now man,bye people
PS: just bored,perhaps?
Friday, July 25, 2008
i like this car's front logo(look,i only said i like,nothing more!)
and,i have waited,and waited,and waited,and....................................
and i got to freaking bath 2 times more to remove that shampoo smells off me -_-
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Thursday, July 17, 2008
the incident that happened today.
*after my in3 practical session, which ended later than expected cuz group 1 spent more time than expected*
me,tze tian,wei jie were talking,and i was packing, and after a while i decided to quickly pack finish my stuff and just go out of that room.
and suddenly,the teacher(whom i dunno the name,but i decided to call him LJF,with no particular reason),came to me and said.
LJF: do you know that you are taking our time?
me*puzzled but decide to not stur up any trouble*:lac la i packing.
*ok so at this moment,im leaving,and if you are smart enough,just let me do and stuff and you do your stuff and we dont interupt with each other,somehow some people dont have that tiny bit of common sense*
LJF: do you know that you are eating in our time?
me *getting agitated*: really ar?
LJF *points to his watch*
me *thinking: wtf u wan to repeat the same thing hw many times?*: ya?(pretending to not get the message)
LJF: you are interupting us ( WTF NOT AGAIN)
* at this point i am really annoyed already,its like im just there bloody packing my bag,and he just come and fuck the stuff up*
me: ok cant you see im packing my bag?
LJF: ya, but you are eating into our time ( SEE! AGAIN?!)
* im looking around this time, ppl from other class is starting their configuration and they seemingly dont mind my presence*
and of cuz,not to mention,fully annoyed now
me: ok in what way am i disturbing u and ur class?
LJF: ok you see you are eating into our time (wth u arent answering my Q ok! and please do you have any other things to say than that?)
me: ok how am i gonna to pack the bag within like so fast and get out of this room? gimme some time can?
LJF: but you are now getting into our time!
ok cuz im packing my bag in the back row,infront of 2 coms,which is useless and nobody will use that.
me: so are you trying to tell me that there will be people using this 2 com?
LJF: but you are getting into our time!
now im thinking,ok i shall just explain to him.
me: i was doing the ping just now, on top of that the previous group ended quite late so i was delayed.
and fuck him this is what he says that really made me exploded
LJF: then cant you do faster?
*really,really,REALLY angered now*
me: sorry la i dumb wad cant do fast,lac la
LJF: you know you are making noise and you are disturbing my students?
*me looking around, c'mon la ur students are also talking among themselves,keep them shuddap first la*
but i didnt say that,i keep mum.
LJF: @(*(#(@!)4$%^&(#^
me*diam diam*
LJF *looks at me*
me *stares back to him*
ok this is the end of the story.
stupid lecturer, fuck you!
but i love the part when i leave the room.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
all the tests are approaching, and yet im like... feeling calm, its not that i dont care much about the tests, but its just that i have found things that are far more important than tests that i find that tests are almost non-existence
but that doesnt mean that i dont feel the stress at all, i still do,but it doesnt bother me much, is it a good sign or a bad one? i dunno.
i guess i should just say that im quite tired of this life already, you know, 12 years and counting, my life is about school, school,and schooooooooooolllllllllllll.
morning wake up,bath,go school,after school,go out with friend,go home,do homework,play com,sleep,wake up,bath,go school,play with friend,go home,do homework,play com,sleep.................................................................................................................................................................................
and the worst of all is that, im gonna live this life for at least 1 and a half more year, and a few more years if i get into uni.
its not that it stressed me out or its getting on my nerves,its just plain BORING to do the same thing over and over again.
maybe its so boring that,i started dreaming.....
sometimes i just feel like traveling around the world by feet, and just keep traveling and explore the world, and then find a good good place where i can have a good good life, haha child's dream.
sometimes i just hope that, right after a turn i made while walking on the road, i find myself in a totally different world of fantasy and dream and i can just live there forever, another child's dream. lol
it just feels weird, when we were younger, we were like telling others that " we arent kid,we can take care of our own"
but when we grew up, sometimes we wish that its all a dream and when we wake up from it we are still that 7 year old kid who lead a free life.
being 18 now, i have learnt that, be it the hard or the soft way,that not all things can go as your way, and life still goes on whichever way it turns out to be.
it wont hurt to dream once in a while eh =)
Sunday, July 13, 2008
get smart?
went out wif bjm,kayhwa,aaron and jack to celebrate my birthday.
oh and aaron's going to this commander camp soon,lets hope for the best of him,lol,and i really mean it =p
had fish and co for lunch,and all 5 of us ordered...whats that? ohh ya, "the best fish and chips in town",yaya thats the dish's name. lol
the fish and chips arent really that ultra fantastic lar,thou its nice, i guess its like no much difference comparing with botak jones,maybe its just me,well.
and jack is a very very very good man,cuz he treated me the movie =)
ok everyone, if you havent watch "get smart" you should,and if you are not intending to,you MUST. its a super funny movie,its like i laughed almost throughout the entire movie,lol (oh and the lady beside me must be annoyed by my "ultrasound" laughter). cant blame me oso la,that movie is too funny already.
and i feel quite guilty for hurting bjm's leg with my power shot,lol,am i? =x
haha ok lar,thats it man,im gonna go orh orh soon
nights =)
words dont mean anything if its not carried out.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
if thats the way u define the word "fair",then so be it either.
however its interesting to see how you will flair in the future.
what i hate is people who give up on themselves,who look down on themselves before anyone did.
yes there are some people that really score just like that. but the amount is very little, and what splits the rest of the people is just the amount of effort they put in.
can you swear that you listen to your lecture, and really listen to it?
can you swear that you study at home, and revise?
can you swear that you ask teacher of anything you dunno?
can you swear that you do your homework?
out of this 4,which 1 u can swear upon.
i dont want to get into a never ending arguement, different people have different opinions,thats it
PS: btw if you are really so naive about it. lemme tell you what, this is the explanation of the word "test" coming from
the means by which the presence, quality, or genuineness of anything is determined; a means of trial.
the trial of the quality of something: to put to the test.
a particular process or method for trying or assessing.
a set of questions, problems, or the like, used as a means of evaluating the abilities, aptitudes, skills, or performance of an individual or group; examination.
Psychology. a set of standardized questions, problems, or tasks designed to elicit responses for use in measuring the traits, capacities, or achievements of an individual.
the process of identifying or detecting the presence of a constituent of a substance, or of determining the nature of a substance, commonly by the addition of a reagent.
the reagent used.
an indication or evidence of the presence of a constituent, or of the nature of a substance, obtained by such means.
an oath or other confirmation of one's loyalty, religious beliefs, etc.
British. a cupel for refining or assaying metals.
look at 1,2 and 4. it is to test your quality,your ability, YOURS. not others
ask yourself, have you really use your ability? or have you not?
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
fail to succeed?
fail to try?
i dunno, now adays,cheating/copying is becoming so common to the point that as if its right to do that.
many people ive noticed, never try,they just look at the questions,and say "thats it,i dont know,i gotta 'ask'" my friend.
some of them will argue, i did try,but i just dunno,you are smart so u know,but im not.
what i can say is that, theres no genius in this world,and smart people isnt smart for no reason.
they put in efforts, they are determined to overcome the question, when they came across some obstacles, they strive,they find solution,they research,and thus,they learn.
this is the 1 and ONLY difference between the smart and the, self-proclaimed, dumb people.
i guess they cant be fully blamed, the society now is pushing people too hard, making them think that failure = die, and the key to survival is to pass, regardless of its cost.
but the truth is that, every successful people build their own success on multiple failures, just like the phrase goes, no pain no gain, if theres no risk, theres no improvement.
for example, what are the ways to get rich?
open up a shop.
buy stocks.
do you think there will be a 100% sure way of earning lots of money? you must be either a big liar or a big optimist if you say so.
it may be self boasting, but i remember back then on my sec 4 prelim,im one of the only few who passed SS geo, but i immediately confess to my teacher after i found out that my marks were over count.
i dont want to pass that way.
doing something with your own effort comes more pleasure than completing something using other people's effort.
well, i wont apologise to anyone who got offended by this post, but i wont say that the way you work things out are wrong because different people have different way of getting their things done.
the only thing i can say is that, you will only stay ordinary, if you continue to get over whelmed by the feeling of failing.
and you will be forever telling yourself, im dumb, the truth is that, you are,not because you really are,but because of the fact that you never think you are capable of being smart.
thats all i can say.bye
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Monday, June 30, 2008
crystal jade =)
haha alright,lets not talk abut soccer now shall we?
went to crystal jade to eat today,the food is very nice,but personally i dont think its as good as zhou restaurant, the must try is their roasted duck,its super super nice!
and u know what,my mum left her handbag inside the taxi,and got us stuck outside the house for like 30mins,thankfully that taxi uncle came back to return us,if not i can just say byebye to my home -.-
and that bag is so BIG that she can forget,somemore she double checked again before she left it lol..
ok lar gtg to catch my matchh already....soooooo,byebye XD
Thursday, June 26, 2008
sometimes i wish that i know how to play guitar
sometimes i wish that i can sing really,really well
sometimes i wish that i can supernatural power
but im always glad that,im myself =)
well gotten back a couple of common test papers(in fact im just lacking the last paper),wouldnt say im very satisfied with how i scored,but at least i did quite well,lol contradicting myself eh =\
at least my IELS is going right on track, and so much for worrying about it, lol.
oh yea and.. i dont know how to describe it,but i suddenly feel that, as in really ALL OF A SUDDEN kind, that i feel im not me, but yet i still feel im me,i dunno how to describe it but surely its a wonderful feeling eh.
lol,alright,im running out of ideas on what to say already =\,hopefully the next post will be a happier one,H-O-P-E-F-U-L-L-Y,haha
bye peeps =)
i have always asked myself, why are we here, people have been saying that "you were borned for a reason"
but hey, whats the reason =S
Sunday, June 22, 2008
What Renaldy Zhuo Ming De Means |
![]() You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun. You are friendly, charming, and warm. You get along with almost everyone. You work hard not to rock the boat. Your easy going attitude brings people together. At times, you can be a little flaky and irresponsible. But for the important things, you pull it together. You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality. You are relaxed, chill, and very likely to go with the flow. You are light hearted and accepting. You don't get worked up easily. Well adjusted and incredibly happy, many people wonder what your secret to life is. You are balanced, orderly, and organized. You like your ducks in a row. You are powerful and competent, especially in the workplace. People can see you as stubborn and headstrong. You definitely have a dominant personality. You are a free spirit, and you resent anyone who tries to fence you in. You are unpredictable, adventurous, and always a little surprising. You may miss out by not settling down, but you're too busy having fun to care. You are incredibly wise and perceptive. You have a lot of life experience. You are a natural peacemaker, and you are especially good at helping others get along. But keeping the peace in your own life is not easy. You see things very differently, and it's hard to get you to budge. You are truly an original person. You have amazing ideas, and the power to carry them out. Success comes rather easily for you... especially in business and academia. Some people find you to be selfish and a bit overbearing. You're a strong person. You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it. You are well rounded, with a complete perspective on life. You are solid and dependable. You are loyal, and people can count on you. At times, you can be a bit too serious. You tend to put too much pressure on yourself. You are confident, self assured, and capable. You are not easily intimidated. You master any and all skills easily. You don't have to work hard for what you want. You make your life out to be exactly how you want it. And you'll knock down anyone who gets in your way! You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start. You are deeply philosophical and thoughtful. You tend to analyze every aspect of your life. You are intuitive, brilliant, and quite introverted. You value your time alone. Often times, you are grumpy with other people. You don't appreciate them trying to interfere in your affairs. |
What the House Test Says About You |
![]() You consider yourself important, but no more important than anyone else. You love attention, but you don't feel like you deserve more of it than anyone else. You are a fairly community oriented person. You like to get to know your neighbors, but you also like your privacy. You get attached to neighborhoods and cities. You are a playful, charming, and seductive person. People feel instantly close to you. You take good care of your physical appearance. You dress well, stay in shape, and do your best to look great. You are moved by romance and love. You are optimistic about people, and you love hearing about happy endings. |
Thursday, June 19, 2008
I think its damn RUDE to ignore someone's msg after knowing that someone cant satisfy your needs
ya thats all for my randoming =)
Monday, June 16, 2008
this is really sickening
Yahoo! news
it says that by year 2050,human can have relationship with robot,its like wtf?
besides the urhh.... you-know-what part. which i find is highly impossible(unless you wan to risk yourself getting electrocuted when you are on a high). and of cause they cant reproduce isnt it? hey it would be damn weird if theres a baby robot lah,eeyer,sick.
but what concerns me is this part.
"A robot could conceivably be programmed with a will of its own and the ability to reject his human partner"
and if a robot is given the power to think. they wont be able to just reject people,but they are able to think evily,as in you know,what the corrupted people does now,rob,rape,kill etc etc.
its not like police can catch them easily, unless they make some police robots, which in my opinion is creating a new race against the will of nature.
and imagine if a robot that gets pissed off and punches you in the face?ouch!
this world is seriously becoming ridiculous. and man kinds are getting more desperate, already the thought of the sex doll is sickening enough, and now theres this romance-with-robots thingy.
c'mon people, i mean, whoever thats thinking about inventing such things, get a life man.
Friday, June 13, 2008
and robinson is quite a good place to shop now,no GST deduction,oh yea and i love levi's,as always,just begin random.
PS:i dont understand why some people log in to msn and put their nick as "please dont talk to me,im busy",the thing is,if you dont want people to talk to u,why bother online =\
Thursday, June 12, 2008
hehe anyway,im having my holiday now,and yea time flies when you are enjoying,certainly,its already halfway through,1 more week and its over =\
so what ive been doing? well,read book(yea i do!),do holiday homework,gym,soccer,etc etc,wanted to work but hey,my holiday is just 2 weeks,what can you expect .
and time for me to really start working up,haven been exercise for 2 months,and now the fats are catching up with me zZz
oh you know i just realised something that i find quite funny.
it all happened when my family was watching 1 variety show,in which a lot of contestants will perform their own speciality and try to earn money.
and so theres this english(oh its a chinese show),so he came in,and he started singing chinese song,and every1 was like ..."wow!" that kind of feeling,and needless to say,he earned quite a lot just for singing 1 song.
now suddenly something strikes me.
why when an english,whos supposed to speak just english,speaked chinese,everyone will go "wow!".
but when a chinese,whos supposed to speak just chinese,speaked english,everyone will go "oh...".while some will even go saying "yucks this guy's english sucks!".
hey,the logic is the same isnt it? isit that english is an universal language thats why all of us must speak in perfect english?
anyway,its unfair isnt it? an english that speaks simple chinese is great,while a chinese that can only speaks simple english sucks, whats the logic behind it,i cant see any.
spare a thought for those people man,before you go critcising them,try to go "wow" because they speak a language that they werent born to know,and not criticise them because others assumed that they should know.
thats all peeps,bye!
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
alright, lets not talk about it,ermm...lets see what happened...oh i went to a party on sunday,if u consider it as a party lar.
its called heynotes,the location is at the loof,well..its quite boring ba..the only highlight is that kay hwa got drunk just after 1 cup of cocktail -.- wasnt expecting it lol
and yea,TOMORROW IS THE DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
after DEL,here comes my holiday XD
yeaa gtg man
PS: please show a good example of yourself before criticising people
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Lol this joke is damn funny
A guy dials his home and a strange woman answers. The guy says, Who is this?
This is the maid, answers the woman.
We dont have a maid, says the man.
The woman says, I was hired this morning by the lady of the house.
The man says, Well, this is her husband. Is she there?
The woman replies, She is upstairs in the bed room with someone who I figured was her husband.
The guy is fuming and says to the maid, Listen, would you like to make $50,000?
The maid says, What will I have to do?
The man tells her, I want you to get my gun from the desk, and shoot the witch and the jerk shes with.
The maid puts the phone down; the man hears footsteps and then two gun shots.
The maid comes back to the phone, What do I do with the bodies?
The man says, Throw them in the swimming pool.
Puzzled, the maid answers, But you dont have a pool.
A long pause and the man says, Is this 567-5309?
Saturday, May 31, 2008
common test!
you know its quite bad to prepare early,cause you will feel that sense of unease,k maybe its just me,ah heck.
PS: fuck it man,totally wasting my time,i wont be falling for that next time already
Saturday, May 24, 2008
and kayhwa came to my house to watch champions league on wednesday,he just suddenly ask me at 10+,lol,so random lar him.
anyway,thx to the match,i only had 1 hour to sleep,cause it ended up in extra time,nonetheless,quite worth it la,the match turns out to be exciting,and when ronaldo miss the penalty i thought "oh-o,thats it"
and what happened next is what every1 knws,heres some funny pics
more can be found on HERE
lol cant stop laughing looking at the pic,pitying terry thou,terrific captain,goal line clearance from giggs,not the best way to sums up his performance.
ok i got to go already,byebye~ =)
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
lol just kidding,its BCE today! BCE stands ah who cares,as long as theres no need to go school,who gives a damn =) anyway its a practice on how we should respond if singapore is hit by another wave of SARS,or other incidents.
so you guessed it,theres work for us to do !
now here the problem starts, you know,i really,seriously,truly,verily,definitely,blablablaly hate those people who goes around asking for answer and dont wish to do anything other then,yea,copying.
i wont mind teaching,i like to teach,in fact i considered it as one of my possible future career(SERIOUSLY!),and if i can see the passion in you,i will be there to teach,always(well,most of the time)
but i really hate those copy-cats.
1stly. you got no right to snatch other people's work
2ndly.other people put in so much effort in doing it arent learning that way
4thly.i dont owe you ANYTHING
6thly.what makes you think that you deserve the same marks as those who put in much,MUCH more effort?
and the reason goes on and on and on...
lemme think,there are typically 2 types of copy cats.
1st type--the directs.
well,they are those,as its name suggested,the directs.
"hey,can lend me your work?"
"hey,got answer to share?"
"can gimme see?"
my thoughts:
hey hello?? if i lend you,are you saying that after you copy the work,you will return the work + your copied work to me? theres no such things as returning back the work,cause when you copied it,you are actually making another copy of it,which defeats the purpose of returning.
share? oh so are you trying to say that,if the final answer is 2,and we share,my answer would be 1? since we shared it? crap
u wanna see? sure thing! make sure you dont copy it =)
2nd type--the indirects.
these are the cheeky ones, their way of approaching you will make you think that they wanted to study,but apparently,or rather obviously,they are NOT.
"can teach me?"
"hey i dont know how to do,can help me?"
and then they will try to trick you into giving them answer.
my thoughts:
these are the most
well,that doesnt mean that you people(and i mean those approach to learn,not to copy) should stop asking me questions,like i said,i like to teach. i am smart enough to know what's people's real intention,so if one day i "teach" you coldly or appear unwillingly,you should know whats wrong.
thats all for today man,bye people =)
PS: im quite sure that if those copy cats spend their time to do the work rather than find answers,they can get it done sooner rather than later.
oh and,if you suspect you got syndrome of a copy cat,you wont notice that i missed out the 5th reason earlier on,because you used to life reading,and not understanding,its not too late to recover thou =)