Wednesday, July 9, 2008

in the end people are just looking down on themselves, you are what you think.

if thats the way u define the word "fair",then so be it either.

however its interesting to see how you will flair in the future.

what i hate is people who give up on themselves,who look down on themselves before anyone did.

yes there are some people that really score just like that. but the amount is very little, and what splits the rest of the people is just the amount of effort they put in.

can you swear that you listen to your lecture, and really listen to it?
can you swear that you study at home, and revise?
can you swear that you ask teacher of anything you dunno?
can you swear that you do your homework?

out of this 4,which 1 u can swear upon.

i dont want to get into a never ending arguement, different people have different opinions,thats it


PS: btw if you are really so naive about it. lemme tell you what, this is the explanation of the word "test" coming from


the means by which the presence, quality, or genuineness of anything is determined; a means of trial.
the trial of the quality of something: to put to the test.
a particular process or method for trying or assessing.
a set of questions, problems, or the like, used as a means of evaluating the abilities, aptitudes, skills, or performance of an individual or group; examination.
Psychology. a set of standardized questions, problems, or tasks designed to elicit responses for use in measuring the traits, capacities, or achievements of an individual.
the process of identifying or detecting the presence of a constituent of a substance, or of determining the nature of a substance, commonly by the addition of a reagent.
the reagent used.
an indication or evidence of the presence of a constituent, or of the nature of a substance, obtained by such means.
an oath or other confirmation of one's loyalty, religious beliefs, etc.
British. a cupel for refining or assaying metals.

look at 1,2 and 4. it is to test your quality,your ability, YOURS. not others

ask yourself, have you really use your ability? or have you not?

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