Im off to pulau ubin. wheeee
Friday, December 31, 2010
Wednesday, December 29, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Im dedicating this song to everyone, especially to those that are busy with life (thats including me, of cause)..
I wish I could sing it out to you guys, but trust me you wouldnt want to hear it.
I wish I could sing it out to you guys, but trust me you wouldnt want to hear it.
Just want to tell you guys that none of you is forgotten and all of you are loved!
Growing up is a shitty process but I believe all of us have the capabilities to pull it through.
So until the next time I see you guys, trust me, and believe me, I was there, is still there, and will be there. Because just as you think you really need someone, theres a good chance that the same particular someone needs you as much too.
Lets grow up together, shall we? ;)
Monday, December 20, 2010
Saturday, December 18, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Tough to forgive, even tougher to forget.
I realized that I have this very big flaw in me, that once me and someone's particular relationship was tainted before, its very hard to make it right again, and thats despite reminding myself constantly that it will be better this time, but the truth is, deep down, something inside me went missing whenever someone broke me. So much so that I dont feel that same towards the same person anymore.
Probably thats why I dont act the same like last time, trust me, I want to, but its too darn hard.
Sunday, November 28, 2010
So recently I was quite upset over some incident that happened last Sunday during the regular soccer session, and due to that I was pondering if I should quit for good.
I was pretty unsure until just now when i chance upon yet another Tevez-wants-to-retire-due-to-blablabla news, my first thought was "damn not this puss again, just get on with life".
Immediately I saw a link between me and Tevez, and to say the truth I was gutted that I have been calling Tevez a puss and yet I myself acted like one. And since I hated Tevez's acts on all these, I shouldn't be acting like one myself!
So... Thanks Tevez for giving me this unexpectedly enlightenment.
I still hate him thou.
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Theres two balls in your life, one is a crystal ball that represents your family, friends and love, another is a rubber ball that represents work. You got to juggle it well in your life, but in times when you know that you cant juggle them anymore and you got to hold on to one and let another drops, choose the crystal ball because even if you drop the rubber ball, it will bounce back to you, but the crystal ball, you could pick it back up but it will never be the same again.
Just so true.
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Normal to lose to China
Alright, so throughout the years I've been hearing people saying that "oh our country table tennis team is full of chinese, and we should get rid of them", things like that.
For me, my mindset always was "well i dont care, as long as they deliver and make us proud, thats what it matters, isnt it".
But now, i am seriously disgusted by the female table tennis team, okay, granted, they won a silver medal for us, credits to them, its no easy feat despite many taking it for granted.
I dont really fault them for taking it easy to lose to china since well, afterall, thats their root. but seriously, wheres the mindset of a sports person?
You dont get satisfied at just being second, at least not to the point of smiling right after you lost a final. That is so wrong, to them, silver is like getting a gold medal already, and whats wrong about it? Everything.
I dont know if they have failed us as Singaporeans, but well, as sportswomen, they really fail badly, this is ridiculous.
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Monday, November 15, 2010
So this has been me
Well, not exactly la!
Work has been, erm, good, I guess, I thought I was gonna die when I heard that my upper study is gonna be away for course for 2 weeks, but im still going strong (apart from some mistakes =x)
I think i should consider myself pretty lucky to be posted to my current unit, the only bad thing is the location thou, its pretty far!
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Yo so i guess after such a memorable trip to hongkong maybe i should at least talk about it although i pretty suck at narration =\
the first thing i realize immediately when i landed there was the weather, to be honest i was expecting something MUCH colder, you know like, winter-ish cold? But meh it feels like an outdoor aircon environment actually, like seriously, everyone says im coming at the wrong time but i highly doubt so, i cant imagine myself 24/7 wearing jacket in singapore!
remember this advertisement on hongkong? 买东西吃东西买东西吃东西? er.. i think i only do 50% of it, i didnt shop much, its full of winter clothing and like hell im gonna wear winter clothing back in singapore >_> girls would love that place thou cause all the summer clothings are on sale.
i miss the food there BADLY, its like, any shop that you visit ought to have nice food, and really i would pay to go there again just to eat their dim sum, its that nice.
so besides eating we have been walking around, to all the nice places, we went to the peak, which as its name suggested is the peak of a mountain, and the view is pretty darn good from there, theres a wax museum which i got to say im pretty impressed (except jay chou thou which doesnt really look like him). And just a sidenote, i didnt know that MM Lee Kuan Yew is actually quite tall, he's around my height, like slightly shorter.
I especially love the ocean park trip, its like.. an all-in-one really. theme parks, aquarium, carnival. Oh and did I mention that I had my virgin try on freefall machine there? My face was as white as sheet upon queuing up, and i guess i almost fainted when the thing goes full speed upwards, but going down was pretty fun and shiok, people say that the scary process is the speeding down part but to me it was the going up that was scary, it felt like i was gonna get thrown out of the machine!
The only bad thing about ocean park is that it closes very early, 6pm! and due to that we missed out the roller coaster, which was a big phew for me since im pretty sure that i will die from it.
Stanley Road is another good experience, its like the holland v of singapore in my eyes only that it is 10X better, its beside the sea, and theres those market that you see on TV, you know those typical hong kong market, and i highly recommend to everyone who's going there to try out this shop "pizza express", their roasted duck pizza is a must try, gosh, im feeling hungry even thinking about it now!
1 thing i cant believe is that there's a street soccer court right at Stanley Road, and no one uses it, gosh thats like such a waste, in singapore you cant find any court thats nearby the sea (except of cause the ECP one, which costs a bomb, and Stanley's one is so much better please). We had a mini kick about session with the ang mo kids there and i barely sweat a bit, it has got to be the most fun soccer experience I've ever had.
So yea.. generally thats what happened, I will definitely want to go back there (for a longer duration) one day, theres still so many parts of hong kong I havent visit, and so many foods I've never tried!
PS: specially wrote hong kong review for you ar, you know who you are!
Good nights peeps!
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
alright i havent been blogging for quite some time cause life has been quite busy recently.
i got posted out to CMPB instead, and the welfare there is pretty good (thou of cause it cant beat the one at MINDEF, but well blame myself for failing polygraph =\).
so yea, new people, new environment, thats fine, the bad thing is that i got to start taking public transport, and its not something i enjoy (especially when the bus was packed and you were wearing uniform).
well, at least i can tell myself that my life has settled down, and although i sometimes do wonder things like "what if im still at MINDEF", i think it will get better over time.
so far so good, and its gonna be better.
see you guys =)
Monday, September 27, 2010
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Thursday, September 23, 2010
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
so these few weeks ive been escorting some workers who work on a room.
it amazed me how long it took to build a room, yet it only takes around a few mins to destroy a building.
i guess we should all treasure what we have achieved and not let it go down to waste, because the truth is for all you know, it could be gone in an instance.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
i saw a cat just now after my soccer session, its white, with round black eyes, upon seeing me, it lies down on the floor, as if inviting me to caress it. i was taught not to touch any stray cats for fear of all the bacteria and germs, but it was too cute to say no. i played with it for a while before i went off reluctantly.
all in all, i cant understand how some people like to abuse cats and dogs, its just damn sick.
Its hard to get the best of both worlds
but its even harder to give both worlds the best of me
Monday, September 6, 2010
so today i was escorting 3 people around the building to fix up some cables, and then this incident happened;
the manager was walking around and he saw the 3 people, curious about what they are doing, he started to ask the colleagues in the room what those 3 are doing when one of the 3 is like right beside him, and another one walked past him.
this suddenly reminds me of my work experience back then in a shipping company (i was in admin department thou), it was my first day there and i can hear people sitting around me start asking their colleagues "who's this new guy", one even go as far as shouting across the room "who's this guy ar"
i dont know man, but i think its pretty stupid to do this, because if you dont know about this thing, theres a good chance that the person beside you wont know as well.
but what worries me the most is that it shows how enclosed some people really are, or rather, the lack of willingness to explore/venture into something new.
maybe we should take more initiatives.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
So after such a long time, i have finally decided to change to a new blog skin. i hope its appealing to the eyes.
i have used "chasing cars" for the title, as i really love the song. its a beautiful one, you should look up for it if you dont know about it.
ive also resetted my chatbox, for no apparent reason.
i like the white color background as compared to the black from before, it makes my words more revealing, more transparent, more honest, maybe thats just me.
anyway, life's not too bad, its just.. pretty boring.
i feel my life is coming to a halt.
need something new, something bombastic.
maybe a short getaway would help.
see ya =)
i have used "chasing cars" for the title, as i really love the song. its a beautiful one, you should look up for it if you dont know about it.
ive also resetted my chatbox, for no apparent reason.
i like the white color background as compared to the black from before, it makes my words more revealing, more transparent, more honest, maybe thats just me.
anyway, life's not too bad, its just.. pretty boring.
i feel my life is coming to a halt.
need something new, something bombastic.
maybe a short getaway would help.
see ya =)
Sunday, August 8, 2010
And so i've graduated from my 1month PES E BMT.
well, to say that i have gained a lot from this would be an overstatement. but at least i learnt something. i've made some new friends, met some weird people (and really weird ones). its an eye opener i guess.
next stop in my life shall be MINDEF, well, i think thats all i can reveal. but i do hope my remaining 1 year 11 months of NS life shall be a good one =)
well, to say that i have gained a lot from this would be an overstatement. but at least i learnt something. i've made some new friends, met some weird people (and really weird ones). its an eye opener i guess.
next stop in my life shall be MINDEF, well, i think thats all i can reveal. but i do hope my remaining 1 year 11 months of NS life shall be a good one =)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Sunday, July 25, 2010
finding of the day : ipad is overrated
so as you guys know just yesterday (or the day before, cant be bothered), ipad is released for sale Singapore. while im very skeptical on apple products, i decided to suspend my judgment and do some research. to my horror (or rather, expected), it seems that apple is just running out of ideas on what to sell, they (ipad, iphone, ipod touch) are almost the same.
below i will give a brief (and little bit biased) explanation on why i feel that ipad is overrated (just like other products)
1) Design
This is probably what irks me most, look at this, first there was ipod touch

make it bigger and you will get an iphone

make it even bigger, taddaaa! you get an ipad!
Seriously man, if im Steve Jobs, i swear i would have sacked ALL the designers in my company, i paid you a bloody few thousands per month and you can only come out with ONE design? (except that it got bigger and bigger).
ok Jobs, tell you what, sack them all, employ me instead, i dont need a monthly salary like those moneysucking-design team of yours, just pay me money for each design ok?
so i thought after all your triumph in the entertainment industry, i thought you might want to make it bigger (literally), so right, heres iTV for you.
and Jobs, just in case you might want to venture into furniture industry, heres one for you, iTable

2) Hardware
It bothers me very much that, after taking a closer look at their specs (ipod touch, iphone, ipad), i am very surprised that all 3 of them share almost the same specs, which again prove me right that apple products grow in size, thats all.
3) Function
This is the second most important factor that makes me dislike apple products (RIGHT behind design). so to sum it up briefly here's the basic functions of an...
ipod touch: music, video, gaming, application, web surfing
iphone: music, video, gaming, application, web surfing, call (ipod touch + call function)
ipad: music, video, gaming, application, web surfing, ebook (ipod touch + ebook function)
oh yea you can attach a keyboard to ipad and makes it a desktop, now thats HELPFUL
to those that had camped overnight outside the apple stores to get your hands on ipad, congratulations! you got scammed! =D
cant you guys see that apple is obviously trying to leech money out of us by adding more functions to the basic ipod touch and call it a new product to sell? wake up guys!
Conclusion: after this very long post, you must have thought i hate apple to bones, while thats true to some extent, i have to agree that ipod touch and iphone are quite good (infact ive thought of getting an ipod touch, and still thinking about it). however, at this rate this is going, with the almost identical design/specs/functions, i cant help but feel that apple products are walking towards the path of being the most overrated gadget ever.
PS: iThermometer anyone?
Comes with LCD screen, 2 USB ports, able to surf web, listen to music, and watch video. with a 3.5mm audio jack for ear piece.
so as you guys know just yesterday (or the day before, cant be bothered), ipad is released for sale Singapore. while im very skeptical on apple products, i decided to suspend my judgment and do some research. to my horror (or rather, expected), it seems that apple is just running out of ideas on what to sell, they (ipad, iphone, ipod touch) are almost the same.
below i will give a brief (and little bit biased) explanation on why i feel that ipad is overrated (just like other products)
1) Design
This is probably what irks me most, look at this, first there was ipod touch

make it bigger and you will get an iphone

make it even bigger, taddaaa! you get an ipad!

ok Jobs, tell you what, sack them all, employ me instead, i dont need a monthly salary like those moneysucking-design team of yours, just pay me money for each design ok?
so i thought after all your triumph in the entertainment industry, i thought you might want to make it bigger (literally), so right, heres iTV for you.

2) Hardware
It bothers me very much that, after taking a closer look at their specs (ipod touch, iphone, ipad), i am very surprised that all 3 of them share almost the same specs, which again prove me right that apple products grow in size, thats all.
3) Function
This is the second most important factor that makes me dislike apple products (RIGHT behind design). so to sum it up briefly here's the basic functions of an...
ipod touch: music, video, gaming, application, web surfing
iphone: music, video, gaming, application, web surfing, call (ipod touch + call function)
ipad: music, video, gaming, application, web surfing, ebook (ipod touch + ebook function)
oh yea you can attach a keyboard to ipad and makes it a desktop, now thats HELPFUL
to those that had camped overnight outside the apple stores to get your hands on ipad, congratulations! you got scammed! =D
cant you guys see that apple is obviously trying to leech money out of us by adding more functions to the basic ipod touch and call it a new product to sell? wake up guys!
Conclusion: after this very long post, you must have thought i hate apple to bones, while thats true to some extent, i have to agree that ipod touch and iphone are quite good (infact ive thought of getting an ipod touch, and still thinking about it). however, at this rate this is going, with the almost identical design/specs/functions, i cant help but feel that apple products are walking towards the path of being the most overrated gadget ever.
PS: iThermometer anyone?

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Friday, July 23, 2010
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
Alright, i've always heard people saying that, "in camp, you can always find weirdo".
i doubted that line because i thought "hey i've seen enough man", but seriously i was wrong.
so in my platoon theres this praying mantis lookalike that acts like a parrot, basically thats what he does:
me: "the weather today is very nice"
he: "ya the weather very nice"
me: "the lunch not bad ah"
he: "ya the lunch not bad"
me: "wa tiring man!"
he: "ya tiring"
WTF i might as well go and talk to wall?
and then theres this guy whom i nicknamed scaredy-meatball, basically he's just so... restless and anxious. this guy is pretty okay but meh, learn to chill dude!
oh ya not to mention this new loser i've found (from different platoon thou) who had 25 girlfriends! given his character (a totally loser-liked one) im not too surprised that he failed in every relationship, what surprises me is that theres actually 25 stupid girls out there that had liked him before!
gosh, camp is really, where you meet all the weirdos
PS: i heard we're gonna have a second round of haircut next week, damn that to hell
i doubted that line because i thought "hey i've seen enough man", but seriously i was wrong.
so in my platoon theres this praying mantis lookalike that acts like a parrot, basically thats what he does:
me: "the weather today is very nice"
he: "ya the weather very nice"
me: "the lunch not bad ah"
he: "ya the lunch not bad"
me: "wa tiring man!"
he: "ya tiring"
WTF i might as well go and talk to wall?
and then theres this guy whom i nicknamed scaredy-meatball, basically he's just so... restless and anxious. this guy is pretty okay but meh, learn to chill dude!
oh ya not to mention this new loser i've found (from different platoon thou) who had 25 girlfriends! given his character (a totally loser-liked one) im not too surprised that he failed in every relationship, what surprises me is that theres actually 25 stupid girls out there that had liked him before!
gosh, camp is really, where you meet all the weirdos
PS: i heard we're gonna have a second round of haircut next week, damn that to hell
Monday, July 19, 2010
Alright just in case anyone had missed out on this, i would like to take the chance to tell everyone that, im enlisted (into Kranji Camp 3).
what can i say? or rather, what can i complain?
good food, good sirs/sergeants, good platoon mates. what else can i ask for?
besides the traveling distance that is =\
it sure feels weird to be botak again, after like so many years since i was last spotted with one (guess that was during P6).
so basically what i've been doing everyday in camp?
nothing much actually, just lectures, talks, and eh, talks.
i guess the traveling is taking its toll on me, im feeling more and more lethargic each day as it goes, thankfully its just a one month thingy.
alright man, time for bed, got to wake up at 530 the next day, im gonna have mcdonald's breakfast tomorrow =)
PS: should i change my blog skin? =S
what can i say? or rather, what can i complain?
good food, good sirs/sergeants, good platoon mates. what else can i ask for?
besides the traveling distance that is =\
it sure feels weird to be botak again, after like so many years since i was last spotted with one (guess that was during P6).
so basically what i've been doing everyday in camp?
nothing much actually, just lectures, talks, and eh, talks.
i guess the traveling is taking its toll on me, im feeling more and more lethargic each day as it goes, thankfully its just a one month thingy.
alright man, time for bed, got to wake up at 530 the next day, im gonna have mcdonald's breakfast tomorrow =)
PS: should i change my blog skin? =S
Saturday, July 3, 2010
Saturday, June 19, 2010
Friday, June 11, 2010
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Tuesday, June 8, 2010
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Im not really in the mood, and I dont really like to blog about things that have past (i usually like to blog about the event right on that day), but somethings arent meant to be kept unmentioned, so i guess i got to at least write something.
ok well lets see.
i have graduated on 26May, and im happy about it.
On 28May, i tried to return my graduation gown only to be rejected cause it has got burnt marks, and there goes my $30 deposit =(
On the same day but at evening, i went out with my group of friends, cause 1 of us is going into NS, suddenly got all the grown-up feel, ha!
alright, thats about it, sweet and simple (?)
see yea peeps!
ok well lets see.
i have graduated on 26May, and im happy about it.
On 28May, i tried to return my graduation gown only to be rejected cause it has got burnt marks, and there goes my $30 deposit =(
On the same day but at evening, i went out with my group of friends, cause 1 of us is going into NS, suddenly got all the grown-up feel, ha!
alright, thats about it, sweet and simple (?)
see yea peeps!
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Its 2AM and im still up.
I know its pretty common for me to be awake right at this time.
but tonight's a bit different
i've vowed to sleep at 10pm, but i failed
excitement got the better of me
yea, im graduating tomorrow, i mean, later part of today, yea, thats more like it.
upon receiving the certificate and exchanging handshakes, i will officially be part of ngee ann poly's history, not a student anymore, but an alumni.
it feels, strange, i've never felt like this before.
i've had the taste of how life's gonna be, but after tomorrow, that's that
i wont be recognized by my grades anymore
i will be starting a new phrase of life
to be honest, im feeling a lil scared
but i cant wait to jump into it
I know its pretty common for me to be awake right at this time.
but tonight's a bit different
i've vowed to sleep at 10pm, but i failed
excitement got the better of me
yea, im graduating tomorrow, i mean, later part of today, yea, thats more like it.
upon receiving the certificate and exchanging handshakes, i will officially be part of ngee ann poly's history, not a student anymore, but an alumni.
it feels, strange, i've never felt like this before.
i've had the taste of how life's gonna be, but after tomorrow, that's that
i wont be recognized by my grades anymore
i will be starting a new phrase of life
to be honest, im feeling a lil scared
but i cant wait to jump into it
Saturday, May 22, 2010
cant make up my mind
cant make up my mind
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Saturday, May 8, 2010
sigh, singtel, i can still remember back then when u guys are the telecom giant in singapore, and then undoubtedly the best ISP around.
you guys provide ADSL connection, which later became ADSL2, everything seems so promising, and i cant help but think you guys have pressed the self destruct button.
i dun even know where to begin with, ok lets talk about mio tv first.
seriously, the idea of using ADSL2 line to provide mio tv and internet connection, IMO, sucks big time, your guys are self pwning by putting some of the allocated bandwidth to mio tv (im guessing its 10mbps), so instead of full utilizing 25mbps (some says 25mbps, some says 24mbps for ADSL2), you guys bottleneck it to only 15mbps for internet connection, while 15mbps is not bad, it can get better.
the only reason why im not going for starhub is cuz i dun like broadband, the speed is so unstable, and since m1 is using a combination of adsl and broadband, until the day m1 decided to use adsl2(which im not too sure if they will!), i've no choice but stick to singtel, but not for long if this goes on.
and please, what are you guys thinking when deciding on mio tv? singapore already has a very small market, and you guys decided to fight with starhub by... offering... the same programs? ok thats pretty smart of you guys, like SERIOUSLY. so what happened now? 4 years back then worldcup price is only $15, and now its $70, thats nearly 5X greater, and thats a ridiculous rise if you ask me.
whats more, you guys' customer service sucks, there was once my sister called up the 24hours helpline for our shaky internet connection, and you guys hang up the call half way, the problem wasnt solved, wtf!
bad customer service, im not being biased or what, but u guys should seriously looked up to starhub's customer service.
there was once, the wiring for my apartment screwed up, i requested for a technician to come down and fix it, and it took me ONE BLOODY MONTH to convince you guys that it has nothing to do with my phone splitters, like c'mon i didnt pay a bill of 60+/mth to chat with u guys every single day, just incase you guys are sick of talking to customers, you think i like to call you guys everyday?
wtf man, singtel, wtf. i missed the singtel of old, seriously
you guys provide ADSL connection, which later became ADSL2, everything seems so promising, and i cant help but think you guys have pressed the self destruct button.
i dun even know where to begin with, ok lets talk about mio tv first.
seriously, the idea of using ADSL2 line to provide mio tv and internet connection, IMO, sucks big time, your guys are self pwning by putting some of the allocated bandwidth to mio tv (im guessing its 10mbps), so instead of full utilizing 25mbps (some says 25mbps, some says 24mbps for ADSL2), you guys bottleneck it to only 15mbps for internet connection, while 15mbps is not bad, it can get better.
the only reason why im not going for starhub is cuz i dun like broadband, the speed is so unstable, and since m1 is using a combination of adsl and broadband, until the day m1 decided to use adsl2(which im not too sure if they will!), i've no choice but stick to singtel, but not for long if this goes on.
and please, what are you guys thinking when deciding on mio tv? singapore already has a very small market, and you guys decided to fight with starhub by... offering... the same programs? ok thats pretty smart of you guys, like SERIOUSLY. so what happened now? 4 years back then worldcup price is only $15, and now its $70, thats nearly 5X greater, and thats a ridiculous rise if you ask me.
whats more, you guys' customer service sucks, there was once my sister called up the 24hours helpline for our shaky internet connection, and you guys hang up the call half way, the problem wasnt solved, wtf!
bad customer service, im not being biased or what, but u guys should seriously looked up to starhub's customer service.
there was once, the wiring for my apartment screwed up, i requested for a technician to come down and fix it, and it took me ONE BLOODY MONTH to convince you guys that it has nothing to do with my phone splitters, like c'mon i didnt pay a bill of 60+/mth to chat with u guys every single day, just incase you guys are sick of talking to customers, you think i like to call you guys everyday?
wtf man, singtel, wtf. i missed the singtel of old, seriously
Friday, May 7, 2010
i always feel that, life is a waiting game, its like... waiting for a train at the train station, every train that crosses the station is like every chance going pass you.
sometimes, you missed the train, you may cursed all you want, but the train wont be turning back
sometimes, you may think "oh well im not boarding this train, im hopping onto the next one", only to regret the decision later, then again, the train wont be turning back either
and just like life, more often than not, once you miss that train, you may never catch that train again
what do you do?
some people just keep on waiting, hoping the train will come back, and as a result missed lots of trains before finally decided to move on.
while some of us will forget about the past, and board the next train.
which one is you?
sometimes, you missed the train, you may cursed all you want, but the train wont be turning back
sometimes, you may think "oh well im not boarding this train, im hopping onto the next one", only to regret the decision later, then again, the train wont be turning back either
and just like life, more often than not, once you miss that train, you may never catch that train again
what do you do?
some people just keep on waiting, hoping the train will come back, and as a result missed lots of trains before finally decided to move on.
while some of us will forget about the past, and board the next train.
which one is you?
so in the middle of the night (2:40am as of current time), i've decided to link up my bluetooth headset with my new HTC snap, and after clicking add devices the bluetooth scan found 2 devices:
1)BlueBAND Sport
yea and i find it pretty scary to find this "芳", seriously, 2:40am, everyone is asleep, and 芳 sounds rather ancient. kind of creepy =\
1)BlueBAND Sport
yea and i find it pretty scary to find this "芳", seriously, 2:40am, everyone is asleep, and 芳 sounds rather ancient. kind of creepy =\
Saturday, May 1, 2010
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Sunday, April 18, 2010
It sure feels weird to have graduated, especially when most of your friends have yet to reach it.
It really knocks you hard in the head, forcing the hey-you-have-already-grown-up message into you, i would have been cursing the end holiday, but i dont even have the chance to do it now, whats ahead of me is an endless road of life, reality is waiting for me.
On a brighter note, im glad to have graduated, at least im having a break, im enjoying my work, and i hope to extend it beyond this 4 days period, who says life of an adult is bad eh =\
It really knocks you hard in the head, forcing the hey-you-have-already-grown-up message into you, i would have been cursing the end holiday, but i dont even have the chance to do it now, whats ahead of me is an endless road of life, reality is waiting for me.
On a brighter note, im glad to have graduated, at least im having a break, im enjoying my work, and i hope to extend it beyond this 4 days period, who says life of an adult is bad eh =\
Friday, April 16, 2010
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Friday, April 2, 2010
Thursday, April 1, 2010
Every part of my house theres also traces of my sister
be it the cupboard in living room (oh yes cupboard in living room, LIVING ROOM?! wtf)
her "computer desk" that was once our living room desk
those stupid boxes that contain mags and occupying sofa spaces
putting her stuffs IN my cupboard WITHOUT asking permission (ok im pissed off with this, like, obviously)
our house fridge that is now almost full of her stuffs (oh yea did i just mentioned that she stock up the fridge with fruits just because she bought a blender recently)
all the organic food that she bought
all the cosmetic stuffs thats like, almost everywhere in the kitchen
dont want to throw away the milk bottle after she finished it
dont want to throw away the empty tissue box after she used finish
dont want to throw away her USED tissue that is SOAKED (WTF)
go tsk-ing with every little sound i made when im chatting on phone (and that forces me to talk on phone in the kitchen where she cant hear me)
her ever growing piles of mags
her using hair dryer everyday (freaking irritating sound)
and more to come thats for sure
ok so besides all this, i guess im fine with my sis
i wonder when she will fucking get married and leave this house for good
be it the cupboard in living room (oh yes cupboard in living room, LIVING ROOM?! wtf)
her "computer desk" that was once our living room desk
those stupid boxes that contain mags and occupying sofa spaces
putting her stuffs IN my cupboard WITHOUT asking permission (ok im pissed off with this, like, obviously)
our house fridge that is now almost full of her stuffs (oh yea did i just mentioned that she stock up the fridge with fruits just because she bought a blender recently)
all the organic food that she bought
all the cosmetic stuffs thats like, almost everywhere in the kitchen
dont want to throw away the milk bottle after she finished it
dont want to throw away the empty tissue box after she used finish
dont want to throw away her USED tissue that is SOAKED (WTF)
go tsk-ing with every little sound i made when im chatting on phone (and that forces me to talk on phone in the kitchen where she cant hear me)
her ever growing piles of mags
her using hair dryer everyday (freaking irritating sound)
and more to come thats for sure
ok so besides all this, i guess im fine with my sis
i wonder when she will fucking get married and leave this house for good
Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ok, so i decided to put up this PM on my msn "FOR ALL THOSE APPLYING FOR NUS, DONT FORGET TO SUBMIT UR FINAL SEM RESULTS TO THEIR ADMISSION OFFICE!" after 1 of my friends informed me (cuz i feel that not a lot know about it).
and not long later some retard actually come to ask me this...
when: of cause asap?
how: how did you submit your documents to the admission office back then, obviously use the same method?
when common sense is not common =\
and not long later some retard actually come to ask me this...
Retard (not actual msn name) said:
when and how to sumbit the results?
when and how to sumbit the results?
when: of cause asap?
how: how did you submit your documents to the admission office back then, obviously use the same method?
when common sense is not common =\
Saturday, March 27, 2010
Monday, March 22, 2010
I dont know if it is a case of drama finding me or me finding drama (like how i got eyes problem when i was young, like how i get PES E9L9, etc), but the truth is that i always got into weird problems in life.
And even after i breathed a sign of relief for completing my course, i still wasnt spared from the drama.
Everyone in my cohort has gotten their result slip through post and until today i still have yet to receive it (although it would be 3 days late).
drama drama stupid drama =\
PS: i know why ive gotten a PES E9L9, its because my eyes had a problem when i was younger, but well, its the past, im perfectly healthy now.
And even after i breathed a sign of relief for completing my course, i still wasnt spared from the drama.
Everyone in my cohort has gotten their result slip through post and until today i still have yet to receive it (although it would be 3 days late).
drama drama stupid drama =\
PS: i know why ive gotten a PES E9L9, its because my eyes had a problem when i was younger, but well, its the past, im perfectly healthy now.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Just rewatched "the curious case of benjamin button" on HBO, its fantastic and one part of it particularly caught me;
It sounds crazily insane but thats the truth, one thing leads to another in life, and how one change could have prevented the accident in this case.
PS: i think i've broken my own personal record for the longest duration i've stayed at home! 8 days without going out, gosh!
It sounds crazily insane but thats the truth, one thing leads to another in life, and how one change could have prevented the accident in this case.
PS: i think i've broken my own personal record for the longest duration i've stayed at home! 8 days without going out, gosh!
Friday, March 19, 2010
While graduation is definitely a good thing to cheer about, i cant help but notice the highlighted portion in my online results slip;
"RESULT : Passed and completed the diploma course"
hey thats like trying to tell me, "oh yea you have completed your course now get your ass out of my school"
doesnt give the sense of satisfactory isnt it =S
they could have put something like;
"RESULT : Passed with completed the diploma with score of excellence, good luck in your future!"
ya like thats gonna happen -.-
it reminds me back then when i receives my "O" level cert, and imprinted on it was;
whats worse is that they actually bracket up the words "ORDINARY LEVEL", its as if they are trying to say;
"hey dude you just received your certificate but you know what? its just ordinary, O-R-D-I-N-A-R-Y"
this kind of thing really turns me off, it makes me feel that graduation is nothing much, i mean yea over the years they have seen many graduated but for those who just graduated it means a great deal.
am i the only one feeling so? =\
"hey dude you just received your certificate but you know what? its just ordinary, O-R-D-I-N-A-R-Y"
this kind of thing really turns me off, it makes me feel that graduation is nothing much, i mean yea over the years they have seen many graduated but for those who just graduated it means a great deal.
am i the only one feeling so? =\
Thursday, March 18, 2010
shit shit shit shit shit X infinity
i feel that i am really turning into 宅男, this is what i have been doing for this few days
1)wake up at 11am
2)read a book/newspaper
3)eat lunch
4)on computer
5)off, read a book
7)on com
8)eat dinner
9)sleep at around 1-2am
10)repeat from step 1
and you know whats worse?
omg omg omg
i have been staying at home and i really love it, its not a bad thing really until you dont feel like going out, i even exercise at home!
i should get back my life before i become a full time 宅男
and i should do it SOON
i feel that i am really turning into 宅男, this is what i have been doing for this few days
1)wake up at 11am
2)read a book/newspaper
3)eat lunch
4)on computer
5)off, read a book
7)on com
8)eat dinner
9)sleep at around 1-2am
10)repeat from step 1
and you know whats worse?
omg omg omg
i have been staying at home and i really love it, its not a bad thing really until you dont feel like going out, i even exercise at home!
i should get back my life before i become a full time 宅男
and i should do it SOON
Tuesday, March 16, 2010
my sentiments
Seeing friends around me planning to fly overseas for holiday really rub salt on my wound.
I was the one out of everyone around me that anticipates the coming holiday most. Because sometime ago a couple of my secondary school friends actually planned to fly overseas together for a holiday.
I was overjoyed, way beyond it. I thought that its gonna happen, i felt the promise is genuine, and i really, really looked forward for that day to come.
As holiday gets nearer and nearer, seeing how no one is taking initiative, i decided to get the ball rolling.
I sms/msn/call them. to remind them of it, i thought they have forgotten, but thank god they didnt, it gives me renewed hope. i asked one of them to help me to compare his schedule with another friend, and let me know when will they be free, because both of them are always so busy so i thought the rest of us should accommodate them.
I asked him to let me know by mid of feb, and he told me "ok", i thought, "yea at least i started something, plan's going smoothly".
Come mid of feb, the respond didnt come, so i decide once again to ask again, i was given an "ok" again, and again, i was never given a respond.
I dont like to press people too much because i feel that if i do, the person whom im pressing will be forced to do things against his/her will, i do occasionally remind them but sometimes once it has passed the treshold then you got to give up. because if i have to continue urging everyone to do things, i wont feel that they are genuinely willing to participate and to me, thats very important because ultimately i want everyone to be happy.
so i put faith in my friends, i do the best thing i can do, wait.
i was disheartened, yea. but i never give up, i clinged on to the tiny ray of hope, hoping that they may start something because afterall, if they had cared as much as i do, they will start something soon.
sadly, the day never arrive.
i have given up all hopes on this trip, and im feeling worse than just "heartbroken", im feeling disappointed, sad.
because i do not know why did it end up this way, sometimes i really feel its me, that im really not a good motivator or what. i really dont know, how everyone started so enthusiastic and end up only i alone trying to make things happen. the transition from hope/belief to despair is a feeling far beyond i can comprehend.
i really needed help, i cant do this alone, i hardly go overseas thus i know nuts about all the flights and accommodations, i really cant do that alone that is why i needed everyone to help.
but my friend, its really too late , as we know that one of us is gonna repeat 1 more sem in poly, if we want to go for holiday we got to go at the period of mid march to early april (and that is why i wanted to sort it out early), and looking at the calender now. its really too late to make it happen.
people tell me that they are busy, but surely if you guys want it to happen, you guys could have.. you know, do something, and seeing how you guys can make time for other group of friends really further the pain. i admit im being jealous on this.
its really sad, because one thing is that i really treasure the friendship and going overseas with you guys is really one of the thing im looking most forward to. on top of that we are all walking into the path of becoming adult, and we all know how its gonna be like, we wont have time for holiday next time, that is why it makes this more so important.
and that is why, it hurts so much more.
im not pointing the finger at anyone here, no one should be blamed in this, or perhaps everyone should bear some blame, i dont know, not that it is important now. i've talked to my good friends about this, and as yc pointed out theres really nothing you can do about this, its the truth and truth often hurts isnt it.
im just writing this to convey my feelings to you guys, and do really think hard before saying such things next time, because for all you know those talks may mean a lot to some other people.
i do not want any respond from this, i do not need them, this post is merely to voice myself out because it has been kept inside me for quite some time already and i really need to let it out.
sorry, and thanks
I was the one out of everyone around me that anticipates the coming holiday most. Because sometime ago a couple of my secondary school friends actually planned to fly overseas together for a holiday.
I was overjoyed, way beyond it. I thought that its gonna happen, i felt the promise is genuine, and i really, really looked forward for that day to come.
As holiday gets nearer and nearer, seeing how no one is taking initiative, i decided to get the ball rolling.
I sms/msn/call them. to remind them of it, i thought they have forgotten, but thank god they didnt, it gives me renewed hope. i asked one of them to help me to compare his schedule with another friend, and let me know when will they be free, because both of them are always so busy so i thought the rest of us should accommodate them.
I asked him to let me know by mid of feb, and he told me "ok", i thought, "yea at least i started something, plan's going smoothly".
Come mid of feb, the respond didnt come, so i decide once again to ask again, i was given an "ok" again, and again, i was never given a respond.
I dont like to press people too much because i feel that if i do, the person whom im pressing will be forced to do things against his/her will, i do occasionally remind them but sometimes once it has passed the treshold then you got to give up. because if i have to continue urging everyone to do things, i wont feel that they are genuinely willing to participate and to me, thats very important because ultimately i want everyone to be happy.
so i put faith in my friends, i do the best thing i can do, wait.
i was disheartened, yea. but i never give up, i clinged on to the tiny ray of hope, hoping that they may start something because afterall, if they had cared as much as i do, they will start something soon.
sadly, the day never arrive.
i have given up all hopes on this trip, and im feeling worse than just "heartbroken", im feeling disappointed, sad.
because i do not know why did it end up this way, sometimes i really feel its me, that im really not a good motivator or what. i really dont know, how everyone started so enthusiastic and end up only i alone trying to make things happen. the transition from hope/belief to despair is a feeling far beyond i can comprehend.
i really needed help, i cant do this alone, i hardly go overseas thus i know nuts about all the flights and accommodations, i really cant do that alone that is why i needed everyone to help.
but my friend, its really too late , as we know that one of us is gonna repeat 1 more sem in poly, if we want to go for holiday we got to go at the period of mid march to early april (and that is why i wanted to sort it out early), and looking at the calender now. its really too late to make it happen.
people tell me that they are busy, but surely if you guys want it to happen, you guys could have.. you know, do something, and seeing how you guys can make time for other group of friends really further the pain. i admit im being jealous on this.
its really sad, because one thing is that i really treasure the friendship and going overseas with you guys is really one of the thing im looking most forward to. on top of that we are all walking into the path of becoming adult, and we all know how its gonna be like, we wont have time for holiday next time, that is why it makes this more so important.
and that is why, it hurts so much more.
im not pointing the finger at anyone here, no one should be blamed in this, or perhaps everyone should bear some blame, i dont know, not that it is important now. i've talked to my good friends about this, and as yc pointed out theres really nothing you can do about this, its the truth and truth often hurts isnt it.
im just writing this to convey my feelings to you guys, and do really think hard before saying such things next time, because for all you know those talks may mean a lot to some other people.
i do not want any respond from this, i do not need them, this post is merely to voice myself out because it has been kept inside me for quite some time already and i really need to let it out.
sorry, and thanks
Sunday, March 14, 2010
Thursday, March 11, 2010
returning back to the chalet is definitely the right choice, night cycling, that was unforgetable.
my only regret is only being able to eat more bbq food =\ my stomach was bloated!
PS:i've gotten a PES E9 L9, wtf, thats the worse PES status you can get, apart from PES F (which is for those people that's, well, beyond "bad shape"). gonna wait for CMPB to call me back in order to check out what happened, lets hope its just some minor stuffs.
my only regret is only being able to eat more bbq food =\ my stomach was bloated!
PS:i've gotten a PES E9 L9, wtf, thats the worse PES status you can get, apart from PES F (which is for those people that's, well, beyond "bad shape"). gonna wait for CMPB to call me back in order to check out what happened, lets hope its just some minor stuffs.
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Sunday, February 28, 2010
Hi peeps, how are u guys doing?
I actually wanted to write how i feel on graduating, but im just being damn lazy, because i want to write it in the best manner possible, and im just not motivated enough to do so now, but dont worry, i will. soon.
Anyway, so i have finally changed my gateway to D-Link model 2640B.
On first glance, im like, omg, black colour, isnt it worse? (since black absorbs heat) on second look, the whole device actually has holes to allow air to flow through.
performance wise, great. it fully utilizes the 10Mbps subscription i have signed up for, using it actually shows my internet speed is 10.7Mbps (thou i dunno where the extra 0.7Mbps comes from). Compared to the old 2wire gateway, which only gives me around 6Mbps, it is definitely a big improvement.

So, my advice to everyone who has got singnet broadband subscription, change ur 2wire gateway to some other brand, trusted ones like d-link or linksys, trust me, you will see an improvement definitely.
I actually wanted to write how i feel on graduating, but im just being damn lazy, because i want to write it in the best manner possible, and im just not motivated enough to do so now, but dont worry, i will. soon.
Anyway, so i have finally changed my gateway to D-Link model 2640B.
On first glance, im like, omg, black colour, isnt it worse? (since black absorbs heat) on second look, the whole device actually has holes to allow air to flow through.
performance wise, great. it fully utilizes the 10Mbps subscription i have signed up for, using it actually shows my internet speed is 10.7Mbps (thou i dunno where the extra 0.7Mbps comes from). Compared to the old 2wire gateway, which only gives me around 6Mbps, it is definitely a big improvement.
So, my advice to everyone who has got singnet broadband subscription, change ur 2wire gateway to some other brand, trusted ones like d-link or linksys, trust me, you will see an improvement definitely.
Thursday, February 25, 2010
Monday, February 22, 2010
天生的娱乐家,最怕大家变成同一个饼模,人家笑他夸张,他笑人家随波逐流。 “好闷。大家常说什么韩流哈日,可能风气很盛,只是我不明白为什么男子组合就一定要梳那种发型,一定要穿银色的鞋子,一定把牛仔裤塞入靴子,哈哈哈,不是流行什么就穿什么,唉,也许以后路人穿衣服都比艺人有个性。”
a natural entertainer, he's afraid that everyone will lose their own identity, as people laugh at his outrageousness, he laughs at others' lack of personality, blindly following the flow of trend.
"its boring, people have been talking about korean and japanese fashions/music, maybe its the hype, but i dont understand why boy band has got to have this particular hairstyle, has got to wear sparkling shoes, has got to tuck the jeans into the boots. you dont blindly follow and wear anything that others do, sigh, perhaps in the future, normal people will be even more stylish than stars like us"
陳奕迅的话,真的是一针见血。 Spot on, Eason Chan.
a natural entertainer, he's afraid that everyone will lose their own identity, as people laugh at his outrageousness, he laughs at others' lack of personality, blindly following the flow of trend.
"its boring, people have been talking about korean and japanese fashions/music, maybe its the hype, but i dont understand why boy band has got to have this particular hairstyle, has got to wear sparkling shoes, has got to tuck the jeans into the boots. you dont blindly follow and wear anything that others do, sigh, perhaps in the future, normal people will be even more stylish than stars like us"
陳奕迅的话,真的是一针见血。 Spot on, Eason Chan.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
i have been hearing the "this is life" reason on almost everywhere, and its pretty funny because its just the way it is, its like to every happening that has no reason can be explained with "this is life".
and its even funnier to hear it coming from people that actually ruined your day using that as an explanation
then again, "this is life" right? i'll buy into it, because afterall, "this is life", yea, pretty much so.
and yea i've mastered a good escape route just in case i run out of reasons next time, because "this is life" and i just got to continue learning
and its even funnier to hear it coming from people that actually ruined your day using that as an explanation
then again, "this is life" right? i'll buy into it, because afterall, "this is life", yea, pretty much so.
and yea i've mastered a good escape route just in case i run out of reasons next time, because "this is life" and i just got to continue learning
Friday, February 19, 2010
Monday, February 15, 2010

Hi happy chinese new year everyone, hope you guys get a lot of ang baos =)
oh so what i have been doing during CNY? pretty much the same as what you guys are doing, with a little twist, and that is trying to freaking fix my damn 2wire gateway.
you know, 2wire gateways, ok i shouldnt stereotype this brand but this particular model that singtel gives me when i upgrade my internet plan to 10mbps, sucks big time. it has really poor air ventilation, it gets heat up after like 2 hours of usage, like, seriously?
and i believe this has actually make the gateway gone haywire, it cant handle DNS message pretty well, 50% of the time (or more) when i tried to open a link, it will present me a DNS server error message, wth!
ok here goes the end of my ranting, i know i shouldnt feel so fked up over a tiny box during CNY but hey, i cant help =\
PS: i passed my napfa =) and heres the jacket to show off =x

Wednesday, February 10, 2010
NAPFA is finally over, thank god for that, i really ran for my life, lol, like c'mon 2extra months for BMT is no joke.
anyway you guys should really try the egg tart from KFC, its pretty nice, and quite pricey too, $7+ for 6.
btw, sometimes i really wonder, not a single hint of selfishness, but why should i teach my friends stuffs when they are just asking for the sake of solving the current problem?
throughout my 3 years of poly life, i have ppl asked me before, "how come you so smart ar?" "how come u can understand all this?"
well, the truth is that, what seperates me and you guys (who claimed that themselves are less capable than me), is that;
i study to learn, to understand whats the logic behind, whereas you guys study for the sake of, well, study.
take it for instance (bringing the example to extreme), you dont know whats 1x1 and i tell you 1x1=1, so you will just remember 1x1=1 and not gonna care why 1x1=1, nor the logic behind. so when people ask you whats 2x2 you will come and ask me whats 2x2 again.
similarly you will not go and remember the full times table, thats crazy. now that kind of answer to the people who are questioning me why can i "remember" more things than them, the truth is, i dont, i understand them.
maybe i sound arrogant saying all these things, but thats the truth, you guys have the chance to be as good as me (or maybe better), but didnt take the chance, and i did.
Ever wonder why everyone starts on the same starting point in a race and some reach the destination earlier while some reach later? we all started this course as greenhorns (some have background knowledge, but i can safely tell you i know nuts when i first came in), i dont have the most wonderful 'o' level scores either (some of you even have better l1r4 than me), im just like you guys. So, why? i believed i had answered the questions
im not writing this because im angry or whatsoever, just out of concern, to all guys reading this, its time to start studying for the sake of your life, because you need those skills to get jobs, seriously. and not study to score in exam.
i dont see if you guys can remember and understand what are the ongoings in all the latest J-pop, K-pop, drama, games, why cant you guys do that on studies?
apologies to whoever that is offended by this post, but frankly i dont careif you guys are angry or not as long as this knock some much needed sense into you guys.
anyway you guys should really try the egg tart from KFC, its pretty nice, and quite pricey too, $7+ for 6.
btw, sometimes i really wonder, not a single hint of selfishness, but why should i teach my friends stuffs when they are just asking for the sake of solving the current problem?
throughout my 3 years of poly life, i have ppl asked me before, "how come you so smart ar?" "how come u can understand all this?"
well, the truth is that, what seperates me and you guys (who claimed that themselves are less capable than me), is that;
i study to learn, to understand whats the logic behind, whereas you guys study for the sake of, well, study.
take it for instance (bringing the example to extreme), you dont know whats 1x1 and i tell you 1x1=1, so you will just remember 1x1=1 and not gonna care why 1x1=1, nor the logic behind. so when people ask you whats 2x2 you will come and ask me whats 2x2 again.
similarly you will not go and remember the full times table, thats crazy. now that kind of answer to the people who are questioning me why can i "remember" more things than them, the truth is, i dont, i understand them.
maybe i sound arrogant saying all these things, but thats the truth, you guys have the chance to be as good as me (or maybe better), but didnt take the chance, and i did.
Ever wonder why everyone starts on the same starting point in a race and some reach the destination earlier while some reach later? we all started this course as greenhorns (some have background knowledge, but i can safely tell you i know nuts when i first came in), i dont have the most wonderful 'o' level scores either (some of you even have better l1r4 than me), im just like you guys. So, why? i believed i had answered the questions
im not writing this because im angry or whatsoever, just out of concern, to all guys reading this, its time to start studying for the sake of your life, because you need those skills to get jobs, seriously. and not study to score in exam.
i dont see if you guys can remember and understand what are the ongoings in all the latest J-pop, K-pop, drama, games, why cant you guys do that on studies?
apologies to whoever that is offended by this post, but frankly i dont careif you guys are angry or not as long as this knock some much needed sense into you guys.
Tuesday, February 9, 2010
a couple of things i hate about preparing for tests/exams:
1)got to stay up late, i'd rather sleep (thou i will usually stay up late even when im not studying, but hey =\)
2)staying up late means i will get hungry for sure
3)getting hungry means i will eat instant noodles
4)and u guys know, instant noodles are.. well, not so healthy, but most importantly
5)eating at night makes u fat! (im not totally concious of my figure but i dont want to get too out of shape)
6)lastly, i just hate preparing for tests/exams
just my small little rants that will be unanswered!
1)got to stay up late, i'd rather sleep (thou i will usually stay up late even when im not studying, but hey =\)
2)staying up late means i will get hungry for sure
3)getting hungry means i will eat instant noodles
4)and u guys know, instant noodles are.. well, not so healthy, but most importantly
5)eating at night makes u fat! (im not totally concious of my figure but i dont want to get too out of shape)
6)lastly, i just hate preparing for tests/exams
just my small little rants that will be unanswered!
Sunday, February 7, 2010
Friday, February 5, 2010
Sunday, January 31, 2010
I really think my family is made up of funny people.
Ok so for the past few days i have been constantly chatting on phone with a girl, and its kinda obvious to my sisters since they always keep up late and therefore they always "caught" me chatting on phone (too bad for living in a small house).
so today i was doing the same thing then my mum was like
“你最近一直跟别人讲电话,二姐讲是女的”(which means "you have been talking on phone lately, and your sis told me its a girl")
in a rather.. not so plesant tone if i should say
so upon hearing that my first reaction is like,
im a guy and im toking to a girl on phone? whats the big deal?
maybe i should tell my mum "没有啦我是在跟男人讲话而已啦"
i wonder how she will feel man.
and my sis is another kpo for broadcasting this piece of "world news"
like c'mon whats the problem?
i seriously dont see the big fuss man.
PS: steamboat is great, seriously great, nice food and nice hangout, looking forward for the chalet, expect it to be as good as yesterday night or even better =D
Ok so for the past few days i have been constantly chatting on phone with a girl, and its kinda obvious to my sisters since they always keep up late and therefore they always "caught" me chatting on phone (too bad for living in a small house).
so today i was doing the same thing then my mum was like
“你最近一直跟别人讲电话,二姐讲是女的”(which means "you have been talking on phone lately, and your sis told me its a girl")
in a rather.. not so plesant tone if i should say
so upon hearing that my first reaction is like,
im a guy and im toking to a girl on phone? whats the big deal?
maybe i should tell my mum "没有啦我是在跟男人讲话而已啦"
i wonder how she will feel man.
and my sis is another kpo for broadcasting this piece of "world news"
like c'mon whats the problem?
i seriously dont see the big fuss man.
PS: steamboat is great, seriously great, nice food and nice hangout, looking forward for the chalet, expect it to be as good as yesterday night or even better =D
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ah. It feels so good to have completed the IS presentations, somehow it feels like ISes are the ones that are giving me most stress.
As expected, WISP presentation turned out fine, and i love the presentation, like seriously!
Sucky teammates should only deserve sucky score, Im glad that we got that slacker exposed, she thinks shes able to leech our marks? NAH, a big D grade for you man.
joke of the day: "the cd need to mount on the mounting board and give to you?" LOL
As expected, WISP presentation turned out fine, and i love the presentation, like seriously!
Sucky teammates should only deserve sucky score, Im glad that we got that slacker exposed, she thinks shes able to leech our marks? NAH, a big D grade for you man.
joke of the day: "the cd need to mount on the mounting board and give to you?" LOL
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Year 3 is coming to an end, and my friends are all having mixed feelings. me?
i will miss everything from NP, the fucked faces, the good friends, the passerbys.
i think i will probably wake up and then like, "huh today no school?"
ok im thinking so far ahead.
good luck guys, this is the last little distance in our 3 years marathon, lets juz chiong till the end and do our best eh =D
i will miss everything from NP, the fucked faces, the good friends, the passerbys.
i think i will probably wake up and then like, "huh today no school?"
ok im thinking so far ahead.
good luck guys, this is the last little distance in our 3 years marathon, lets juz chiong till the end and do our best eh =D
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
JuJu Hokkaido Hot Pot
Very nice man, u guys must try!
i've finally made a decision on the scholarship, next is for them to choose me then =\
PS: i think i should really start to have a stronger determination, and im talking abt off the school kind
Very nice man, u guys must try!
i've finally made a decision on the scholarship, next is for them to choose me then =\
PS: i think i should really start to have a stronger determination, and im talking abt off the school kind
Thursday, January 14, 2010
im probably making the toughest decision of my life.
should i go overseas to get a master's degree after i complete a bachelor's degree.
i know i will miss my family badly
but on the other hand, i know it will aid in my future so so much.
i really dunno what to choose man.
anyway, on a brighter note.
just few days after 2010 i have heard a speech that is a strong contender for speech of the year 2010.
by Mr. Tan Jui Kang: "What do you guys come school for? To talk? People come school to study and you guys only come here to play. If you want a diploma then work hard for it, so you come this class just to sign attendance? Are you guys so shallow?"
should i go overseas to get a master's degree after i complete a bachelor's degree.
i know i will miss my family badly
but on the other hand, i know it will aid in my future so so much.
i really dunno what to choose man.
anyway, on a brighter note.
just few days after 2010 i have heard a speech that is a strong contender for speech of the year 2010.
by Mr. Tan Jui Kang: "What do you guys come school for? To talk? People come school to study and you guys only come here to play. If you want a diploma then work hard for it, so you come this class just to sign attendance? Are you guys so shallow?"
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
lol, all i can say is that i dont want to get drawn in a war of words, the bottomline is, no one is totally faultless, go and reflect on what you did (oh and by that im also saying ive got fault)
lastly, and most importantly, if you dont like the way i do things, fine, you are always welcome to get yourself out of my sight if thats what may please you, by saying im fine with that im obviously lying but i see no point in carrying on with this friendship if all this shit will happen again and let it jeopardize our friendship.
think, and think very hard, your decision is mine.
PS: if i see nothing done (i will not do anything since i've always been the 1 initiating things), then im afraid to say this will be the last post dedicated to you, thou i will be sad but 长痛不如短痛
lastly, and most importantly, if you dont like the way i do things, fine, you are always welcome to get yourself out of my sight if thats what may please you, by saying im fine with that im obviously lying but i see no point in carrying on with this friendship if all this shit will happen again and let it jeopardize our friendship.
think, and think very hard, your decision is mine.
PS: if i see nothing done (i will not do anything since i've always been the 1 initiating things), then im afraid to say this will be the last post dedicated to you, thou i will be sad but 长痛不如短痛
1)wakes up much earlier than usual
2)watch tv until forget to go out for school
3)come out late as a result
4)reach bus stop, saw a bitch
5)didnt squeeze for my 74 because it was, "unsqueezable"
6)waited for another 10 mins for the next 74
7)needless to say, im late
8)spend a good 1 hour trying to make ANS lab work
9)and (as usual!), it cant
10) MSN lab configuration, my friend accidentally off the switch and we got to reconfigure (ok this is a bit lol)
11) spend a good 1 hour trying to troubleshoot when all are configurations are right
12) turns out only need to reboot the switches (-_-)
13) had a very very awful waffle (it was so bad i could have mistaken it as bread!)
14) missed my 852
15) when the next 852 arrives, all seats are taken and i dont get to sit at the seats near windows (which almost never happen before)
16) nobody from the back of the bus wants to drop at YCK mrt (which, almost never happen before as well!), which means i got to "battle" my way through alone
17) reach home and my yayapapaya sister never go to work (just dont like it)
its the little misfortunes that make your day a miserable 1 (thou its not that bad to be labeled miserable)
then again, theres a saying goes "tomorrow will be better", i so damn hope its true!
2)watch tv until forget to go out for school
3)come out late as a result
4)reach bus stop, saw a bitch
5)didnt squeeze for my 74 because it was, "unsqueezable"
6)waited for another 10 mins for the next 74
7)needless to say, im late
8)spend a good 1 hour trying to make ANS lab work
9)and (as usual!), it cant
10) MSN lab configuration, my friend accidentally off the switch and we got to reconfigure (ok this is a bit lol)
11) spend a good 1 hour trying to troubleshoot when all are configurations are right
12) turns out only need to reboot the switches (-_-)
13) had a very very awful waffle (it was so bad i could have mistaken it as bread!)
14) missed my 852
15) when the next 852 arrives, all seats are taken and i dont get to sit at the seats near windows (which almost never happen before)
16) nobody from the back of the bus wants to drop at YCK mrt (which, almost never happen before as well!), which means i got to "battle" my way through alone
17) reach home and my yayapapaya sister never go to work (just dont like it)
its the little misfortunes that make your day a miserable 1 (thou its not that bad to be labeled miserable)
then again, theres a saying goes "tomorrow will be better", i so damn hope its true!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Seriously, Singapore news never fail to amuse me, and i have taken out 2 pieces of news to highlight
Girl Molested At Siloso Beach (2009 Countdown party!)
I'm quite sure that most of you guys must have read or at least heard about this news, when it was first broadcasted, a lot people claim that those molesters are bastard (indeed they are!), but days later there have been rumours circulating around suggesting that the victim, may be a "he" afterall:
Spending just 1 min googling about this incident, i can find tons of forums that are debating whether the victim is a "she" or a "he", some extremists even joked about the idea, some went "eeeeeeeeeeeee!", some went "YUCKS!", some even commented that the victim actually deserves it.
While I myself am not sure if the rumours are true, the bottomline is, its still a molestation, right?
Does it change the fact that its a molestation if the supposedly "she" is a "he"? No
Does it make "him" (assuming the claims are true) a more deserved victim? No
Should it be the reason for the people around not to stop this incident? Obviously no!
The reaction of some people regarding this incident, seriously disgusts me, those that simply just watch and did nothing are as bad as those molestors, same goes to those who are making fun of this piece of news just cause "she" may be a "he".
Now I am not saying im god or a very kind person, but if im there im pretty sure i will go up to help, why? Cause helping one simply dont need any reason isnt it.
Now this really gets me fuming;
McDonald's takes the charm out of Doraemon series
1 word for this, RETARDED.
This is one of the worse marketing failures I have ever seen, and to think its coming from McDonald's? wth
Firstly first, if going by this rule, why didnt they omit cow from the series as well since Indians arent supposed to eat beef? (correct me if im wrong on this)
Secondly, I have done some research prior to commenting on this issue, it seems that most Muslims in Singapore do not mind about the inclusion of a pig designed doraemon charm.
Thirdly, what about the chinese? It is so obvious (thou not stated) that the 12 collectibles are based on the 12 chinese zodiac signs, so by omitting the pig zodiac charm, they (McDonald's) may risk angering the chinese due to obvious reasons.
Fourthly, and most importantly, those things are just collectibles, as long as they are nice and cute, no one will mind, I, as a doraemon fan, got turned off by this because it simply doesnt make sense to suddenly have a doraemon cupid among 11 other animal-based designs!
Yes, racism is a serious issue, one that we must really get a hand on, but so is over sensitivity, and this is a good example to show, i mean like, c'mon, we do celebrate the year of pig in Singapore, right? So why the big fuss?
After reading this 2 pieces of news, I've got advice for people involved;
"Its not too late to set yourself a new year resolution, and that is, 'get a life, be smart'".

PS: Dont worry I didnt miss my target :p
Girl Molested At Siloso Beach (2009 Countdown party!)
I'm quite sure that most of you guys must have read or at least heard about this news, when it was first broadcasted, a lot people claim that those molesters are bastard (indeed they are!), but days later there have been rumours circulating around suggesting that the victim, may be a "he" afterall:
Spending just 1 min googling about this incident, i can find tons of forums that are debating whether the victim is a "she" or a "he", some extremists even joked about the idea, some went "eeeeeeeeeeeee!", some went "YUCKS!", some even commented that the victim actually deserves it.
While I myself am not sure if the rumours are true, the bottomline is, its still a molestation, right?
Does it change the fact that its a molestation if the supposedly "she" is a "he"? No
Does it make "him" (assuming the claims are true) a more deserved victim? No
Should it be the reason for the people around not to stop this incident? Obviously no!
The reaction of some people regarding this incident, seriously disgusts me, those that simply just watch and did nothing are as bad as those molestors, same goes to those who are making fun of this piece of news just cause "she" may be a "he".
Now I am not saying im god or a very kind person, but if im there im pretty sure i will go up to help, why? Cause helping one simply dont need any reason isnt it.
Now this really gets me fuming;
McDonald's takes the charm out of Doraemon series
1 word for this, RETARDED.
This is one of the worse marketing failures I have ever seen, and to think its coming from McDonald's? wth
Firstly first, if going by this rule, why didnt they omit cow from the series as well since Indians arent supposed to eat beef? (correct me if im wrong on this)
Secondly, I have done some research prior to commenting on this issue, it seems that most Muslims in Singapore do not mind about the inclusion of a pig designed doraemon charm.
Thirdly, what about the chinese? It is so obvious (thou not stated) that the 12 collectibles are based on the 12 chinese zodiac signs, so by omitting the pig zodiac charm, they (McDonald's) may risk angering the chinese due to obvious reasons.
Fourthly, and most importantly, those things are just collectibles, as long as they are nice and cute, no one will mind, I, as a doraemon fan, got turned off by this because it simply doesnt make sense to suddenly have a doraemon cupid among 11 other animal-based designs!
Yes, racism is a serious issue, one that we must really get a hand on, but so is over sensitivity, and this is a good example to show, i mean like, c'mon, we do celebrate the year of pig in Singapore, right? So why the big fuss?
After reading this 2 pieces of news, I've got advice for people involved;
"Its not too late to set yourself a new year resolution, and that is, 'get a life, be smart'".
On the other hand, I am quite happy that I've got a poster to show for open house since its kind of new for my course to do it (my course doesnt have FYP you see)
Went to Jurong Medical Center to collect my heart test results, and yea, its pretty good, infact, the doctor commented that my heart is really good and cant understand why there was a problem =\
Saw this thing in the toilet, its pasted at the top of the urinal, pretty cool uh?

PS: Dont worry I didnt miss my target :p
Sunday, January 3, 2010
kulai is a good place, i like the kampong atmosphere, took away all the city loads away from me.
had a great stay there, map's aunty and uncle are very nice, they treat us to good food and bring us to places where we will never thought of going if we were to go alone. nice food, cheap clothes, great atmosphere there, what more can i ask for. you guys should give there a try if a countryside kind of holiday is what you are seeking =)
next, 2 - 3 more months and that will be the end of my poly life, its pretty scary, im in my 2nd decade =\
let us all jia you for our last, final sprint!
PS: this is a phrase i heard during a meeting before i go to Malaysia, and its "Whatever you mind thinks, you heart believes, and your body reacts", i find it very true eh, what do you think?
had a great stay there, map's aunty and uncle are very nice, they treat us to good food and bring us to places where we will never thought of going if we were to go alone. nice food, cheap clothes, great atmosphere there, what more can i ask for. you guys should give there a try if a countryside kind of holiday is what you are seeking =)
next, 2 - 3 more months and that will be the end of my poly life, its pretty scary, im in my 2nd decade =\
let us all jia you for our last, final sprint!
PS: this is a phrase i heard during a meeting before i go to Malaysia, and its "Whatever you mind thinks, you heart believes, and your body reacts", i find it very true eh, what do you think?
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