Sunday, January 31, 2010

I really think my family is made up of funny people.

Ok so for the past few days i have been constantly chatting on phone with a girl, and its kinda obvious to my sisters since they always keep up late and therefore they always "caught" me chatting on phone (too bad for living in a small house).

so today i was doing the same thing then my mum was like

“你最近一直跟别人讲电话,二姐讲是女的”(which means "you have been talking on phone lately, and your sis told me its a girl")

in a rather.. not so plesant tone if i should say

so upon hearing that my first reaction is like,

im a guy and im toking to a girl on phone? whats the big deal?

maybe i should tell my mum "没有啦我是在跟男人讲话而已啦"

i wonder how she will feel man.

and my sis is another kpo for broadcasting this piece of "world news"

like c'mon whats the problem?

i seriously dont see the big fuss man.

PS: steamboat is great, seriously great, nice food and nice hangout, looking forward for the chalet, expect it to be as good as yesterday night or even better =D

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