friday night~ baby are u sleeping~ wohooo im getting high,hehe =)
had 2 practical sessions
IN2 is quite confusing at first la,all the configurations and stuffs,but well,managed to settle it la.learnt some new and more la! =X
i think i really love C#,its exciting lorx,lol,teacher at there keep giving us questions i keep managed to solve it =D,should play with visual studio more =)
anyway,went to bugis to shop 2day,looking for a new wallet,and after some time deciding ive decided to buy this
hows it? quite nice rite? says no to EMO! haha =D k la a bit too simple,the whole wallet is like plain white except the wordings,but who cares,it really catches my eyes =)
actually wanted to buy the black version thou,but i thought that,ehhh black like emo like that leh,so never buy la,besides,i like white more,cuz im pure.hehe
after tt went to AMK hub to watch movie, the seeker
can u believe it?1 actually purposely go bugis buy wallet then go amk watch movie -.-
anyway,went to watch this movie,the seeker
its a movie,that shows,the light vs the dark,the dark will reach his peak power at the 5th day
the light(the good people la),can do nothing to stop him,the only ray of hope is the seeker,who,obviously,is to seek things la -.-
his task is to find the 6 magical pieces,for thats the only way to stop the dark for controlling the world.
and so,on the 5th day,he managed to find just 5 pieces,the 6th cannot be found as its said that "it cannot be found cause its not hidden in the first place" those fiction story,at the very last moment,when the earth is gonna get destroyed,the seeker realised that,the 6th piece,is actually in him,his soul,which is like so ... -.- la!!
btw this movie oso got a lot of flaws lo
for example ar,5days before,the dark met the lights,and the dark says that,i cant defeat you guys for now,but my power grows as day goes by,and at the 5th day,none can stop me,and then the dark juz leave like that
now my question is...WHY DIDNT THE LIGHT KILL THE DARK AT THAT TIME AR,i mean,even the dark agrees that the light is stronger than him now la,then why not just kill the dark before he gets stronger until they cant defeat him,lame right!
next,the dark keeps sending people to snatch the magicial pieces from the seeker,and obviously,they failed la,now my question is, if the dark is so concerned,why not he just go and snatch it himself hur!
and the stupidest thing is that,they self-proclaimed that they can use magic,but...I SEE NO MAGIC IN THIS MOVIE AT ALL!!! you know theres 1 scene,the seeker got fed up and he starts to roar and roar,then things start to explode,then i was thinking,waaa he damn powerful man,then after tt he went back to time,to a war time i assume,then a warrior went to fight him,and he didnt use magic at all la!! is the magic for show only?! why not just call david copperfield come la!
waste $8 for that lame movie -.-
nvm la,be happy mingde,at least its friday,tml's sat!
wait...still got cisco weekend online tests tml..zz...
nvm la,at least,my beloved saturday is coming =)
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