first,let us all take a look at this picture...

this picture shows some kids playing years back,probably in the 1980's,nice isnt it (: just have to play,little education,what kids know back then is just to relax.
its a wonder how the world has changed,or should i say,the life has changed in the space of just 20 years
take a look at the news

life for kids is so different now, if the past is 90% play,10% study,then i would say that now is 70% study,30% play.
back then,at my year,theres PSLE,and now,they are talking about the iPSLE,which means International Primary SchooL Examination.
the keyword here is,international,which means it will work like 'o' level.means that theres a "standard" for every subject.
now my question is,why must kids be given so much stress?
it is a period when someone grows,creating a structure which they will grow upon,and roughly becoming what they will be like in the future.
yes,the kid stage,is the most important stage in life,for it affects you greatly,whether its behaviour or character,it all started from there.
it is a stage to enjoy,a stage to dream,a stage to have fun.
so why,introduce such an idea?
do you think the kids will like it?
do you think the iPSLE can actually greatly affect them in the future?
my answer is definitely,no.
look,there it stated that,"there is no equivalent to primary education exams"
my question is,do you need it at the first place?
yes,the o level cert can really affect yourself,for it is highly recognizable in the world,but is there such a need for a PSLE cert?
and mind you,the iPSLE is only in the ASIA only,so,its very unlike o level. not that recognizable if i should say.
just imagine, if you have an o level cert,and you go around telling people you have it,people will go wow,why?its cambridge we are talking about.
what if,you have an iPSLE cert,and you go around telling people,how will people respond?just imagine for yourself.
however,i do think that,this iPSLE is beneficial for other countries
"students who take the iPSLE can use their results to apply for secondary schools in singapore"
well,its an attractive option.but,you can also apply for secondary schools in singapore without doing that as well,a bit harder thou
so is there really a need for an international primary school level exam
answer me not,keep the answer to yourself
why,tell me why,must we add stress to our boys/girls,when at this point of time they should be dreaming.
why,tell me why,must we inject reality into their innocent life and destroy their good,good childhood?
why,tell me why,when the parents thought their kids must score better than the other kids,they never feel how their kids are feeling?
please,stop destroying one's childhood,if not,the boy wont be crying over a teddy bear,but a fairly-scored report card.

somtimes,at some point of life,its not glory thats important,but relaxation.
simplicity is something all of us wanted,but its not that simple anylonger in this world.
special thx to veronica the piggy for providing pictures
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