I FINALLY GOTTEN MY PREDATOR POWER SWERVE!!!!!!!!! after much hesistation if i should go for power swerve or absolute,finally made up my mind in choosing the later version,cost me a whopping $99 bucks -.-
can tell from the shoe cutting that it will have more contact on the ball,but well,i read about this boots and it says what it will provide u an extra 8% power on the shot,well... =\
bought quite a lot stuff today ba,topman shirt...erm...flesh imp shirt...all on discount la duh,aska's album,and not to forget,FAMOUS AMOS! XD
cant resist the smell everytime i walk past the shop in wisma,lol.
gtg liao,wheee
oo school start next week,zZz
PS: do you believe that some model agency asked me if i want to be a freelance model? unbelievable isnt it? haha,but it happened,i rejected thou,and regretting a bit =\
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