Wednesday, April 9, 2008


yo guys,ive read stuff about this 2012 doomsday thing on , freaks you out or not,i dunno,but its quite interesting hur,i means,is this true?and if this's true,how are we gonna disappear?

1 thing i can be sure is that,it wont be like what movies are showing, alien invasion,blackhole,etc etc,rest assured its not going to happen,read this if you are interested .

so if you are gonna tell me,that the earth will vanish suddenly on 2012 dec21,u had better go bang your head against the wall,because the chance of it is extremly small(which i guess,is lower than the chance of u striking a first place in lottery 100 times in your whole life time),now, you know how hard it is ;D

anyway,back to the topic,its not that theres no signs supporting the 2012 thing, you can read it at here thou ,yes,its a bit believing,but well,like i said,the earth wont be gone so suddenly.

so,what im thinking is that,if theres a possible way of mankind to extinct by 2012,its only by our own doing.

1)global warming

global warming,weather seems to get crazier and crazier recently hur? its no coincidence or whatsoever,global warming is causing it.


rice is in high demand now adays,just saw the news that,theres a country,that was once 1 of the world's largest rice producing country,and yet now that same country is surviving by buying food from other countries,amazing,isnt it?

so this brings me a question,what if,the most impossible of the impossibles happened,that rice were actually gone? lets look at this simple food chain


of cause im not saying that everyone in this world only eats chicken,but hey,its a SIMPLE one,okay? so this is what will happen if rice is gone


every1 will be consuming chicken,and if chicken extinct,we will turn to another stuff to consume,and if its gone too,we will turn to another source,at the end of the day?no food left for us.

sounds funny hur? but the possibility is there.


human's average lifespan is getting longer and longer,and while new babies were borned each day,do i need to explain more on that? =\

well,lets get back to the topic,where were we...oh ya,2012

lets talk about it in religion aspect

that,on 2012 dec21,we will reach a higher level of conciousness

are expressions used in various spiritual traditions to denote the consciousness of a human being who has reached a higher level of evolutionary development and who has come to know Reality as it is.

extracted from wikipedia,

basically,in layman term,its a state of presence that you are in a place of no-space in a time of no-time,in short,you are everything,everything is one(sorry if ive explained it unaccurately,its hard to).

well,now lets jump to science,heard of the law of energy? that energy cant be created/destroyed,it can only be transformed into another state.

lets do it in layman term again,lets say,human makes up 20% of earth's energy,and the other living thing makes up 40%,the rest is earth's (hey its layman,so dont come asking me how i get the %,dont be an idiot).

imagine what will happen if all living thing is to die? the earth will be back to 100% energy again,which,match what the religion said,all as one,could this be what they meant by higher level of conciousness? i dont know =\

anyway,whatever we are predicting now is all bullshit,whats imporant is now,lets not imagine the future,because the future that we imagines,is an illusion,no point living in the past too,whats there to give u bragging about the past?

lets just enjoy now,and wait and see what will happen on 2012 dec21

on and god damn if this's going to be true,we will all miss x'mas on that year

lame -.-

bye XD

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