NAPFA is finally over, thank god for that, i really ran for my life, lol, like c'mon 2extra months for BMT is no joke.
anyway you guys should really try the egg tart from KFC, its pretty nice, and quite pricey too, $7+ for 6.
btw, sometimes i really wonder, not a single hint of selfishness, but why should i teach my friends stuffs when they are just asking for the sake of solving the current problem?
throughout my 3 years of poly life, i have ppl asked me before, "how come you so smart ar?" "how come u can understand all this?"
well, the truth is that, what seperates me and you guys (who claimed that themselves are less capable than me), is that;
i study to learn, to understand whats the logic behind, whereas you guys study for the sake of, well, study.
take it for instance (bringing the example to extreme), you dont know whats 1x1 and i tell you 1x1=1, so you will just remember 1x1=1 and not gonna care why 1x1=1, nor the logic behind. so when people ask you whats 2x2 you will come and ask me whats 2x2 again.
similarly you will not go and remember the full times table, thats crazy. now that kind of answer to the people who are questioning me why can i "remember" more things than them, the truth is, i dont, i understand them.
maybe i sound arrogant saying all these things, but thats the truth, you guys have the chance to be as good as me (or maybe better), but didnt take the chance, and i did.
Ever wonder why everyone starts on the same starting point in a race and some reach the destination earlier while some reach later? we all started this course as greenhorns (some have background knowledge, but i can safely tell you i know nuts when i first came in), i dont have the most wonderful 'o' level scores either (some of you even have better l1r4 than me), im just like you guys. So, why? i believed i had answered the questions
im not writing this because im angry or whatsoever, just out of concern, to all guys reading this, its time to start studying for the sake of your life, because you need those skills to get jobs, seriously. and not study to score in exam.
i dont see if you guys can remember and understand what are the ongoings in all the latest J-pop, K-pop, drama, games, why cant you guys do that on studies?
apologies to whoever that is offended by this post, but frankly i dont careif you guys are angry or not as long as this knock some much needed sense into you guys.