I really think my family is made up of funny people.
Ok so for the past few days i have been constantly chatting on phone with a girl, and its kinda obvious to my sisters since they always keep up late and therefore they always "caught" me chatting on phone (too bad for living in a small house).
so today i was doing the same thing then my mum was like
“你最近一直跟别人讲电话,二姐讲是女的”(which means "you have been talking on phone lately, and your sis told me its a girl")
in a rather.. not so plesant tone if i should say
so upon hearing that my first reaction is like, er....so?
im a guy and im toking to a girl on phone? whats the big deal?
maybe i should tell my mum "没有啦我是在跟男人讲话而已啦"
i wonder how she will feel man.
and my sis is another kpo for broadcasting this piece of "world news"
like c'mon whats the problem?
i seriously dont see the big fuss man.
PS: steamboat is great, seriously great, nice food and nice hangout, looking forward for the chalet, expect it to be as good as yesterday night or even better =D
Sunday, January 31, 2010
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
Ah. It feels so good to have completed the IS presentations, somehow it feels like ISes are the ones that are giving me most stress.
As expected, WISP presentation turned out fine, and i love the presentation, like seriously!
Sucky teammates should only deserve sucky score, Im glad that we got that slacker exposed, she thinks shes able to leech our marks? NAH, a big D grade for you man.
joke of the day: "the cd need to mount on the mounting board and give to you?" LOL
As expected, WISP presentation turned out fine, and i love the presentation, like seriously!
Sucky teammates should only deserve sucky score, Im glad that we got that slacker exposed, she thinks shes able to leech our marks? NAH, a big D grade for you man.
joke of the day: "the cd need to mount on the mounting board and give to you?" LOL
Sunday, January 24, 2010
Year 3 is coming to an end, and my friends are all having mixed feelings. me?
i will miss everything from NP, the fucked faces, the good friends, the passerbys.
i think i will probably wake up and then like, "huh today no school?"
ok im thinking so far ahead.
good luck guys, this is the last little distance in our 3 years marathon, lets juz chiong till the end and do our best eh =D
i will miss everything from NP, the fucked faces, the good friends, the passerbys.
i think i will probably wake up and then like, "huh today no school?"
ok im thinking so far ahead.
good luck guys, this is the last little distance in our 3 years marathon, lets juz chiong till the end and do our best eh =D
Thursday, January 21, 2010
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
JuJu Hokkaido Hot Pot
Very nice man, u guys must try!
i've finally made a decision on the scholarship, next is for them to choose me then =\
PS: i think i should really start to have a stronger determination, and im talking abt off the school kind
Very nice man, u guys must try!
i've finally made a decision on the scholarship, next is for them to choose me then =\
PS: i think i should really start to have a stronger determination, and im talking abt off the school kind
Thursday, January 14, 2010
im probably making the toughest decision of my life.
should i go overseas to get a master's degree after i complete a bachelor's degree.
i know i will miss my family badly
but on the other hand, i know it will aid in my future so so much.
i really dunno what to choose man.
anyway, on a brighter note.
just few days after 2010 i have heard a speech that is a strong contender for speech of the year 2010.
by Mr. Tan Jui Kang: "What do you guys come school for? To talk? People come school to study and you guys only come here to play. If you want a diploma then work hard for it, so you come this class just to sign attendance? Are you guys so shallow?"
should i go overseas to get a master's degree after i complete a bachelor's degree.
i know i will miss my family badly
but on the other hand, i know it will aid in my future so so much.
i really dunno what to choose man.
anyway, on a brighter note.
just few days after 2010 i have heard a speech that is a strong contender for speech of the year 2010.
by Mr. Tan Jui Kang: "What do you guys come school for? To talk? People come school to study and you guys only come here to play. If you want a diploma then work hard for it, so you come this class just to sign attendance? Are you guys so shallow?"
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Monday, January 11, 2010
lol, all i can say is that i dont want to get drawn in a war of words, the bottomline is, no one is totally faultless, go and reflect on what you did (oh and by that im also saying ive got fault)
lastly, and most importantly, if you dont like the way i do things, fine, you are always welcome to get yourself out of my sight if thats what may please you, by saying im fine with that im obviously lying but i see no point in carrying on with this friendship if all this shit will happen again and let it jeopardize our friendship.
think, and think very hard, your decision is mine.
PS: if i see nothing done (i will not do anything since i've always been the 1 initiating things), then im afraid to say this will be the last post dedicated to you, thou i will be sad but 长痛不如短痛
lastly, and most importantly, if you dont like the way i do things, fine, you are always welcome to get yourself out of my sight if thats what may please you, by saying im fine with that im obviously lying but i see no point in carrying on with this friendship if all this shit will happen again and let it jeopardize our friendship.
think, and think very hard, your decision is mine.
PS: if i see nothing done (i will not do anything since i've always been the 1 initiating things), then im afraid to say this will be the last post dedicated to you, thou i will be sad but 长痛不如短痛
1)wakes up much earlier than usual
2)watch tv until forget to go out for school
3)come out late as a result
4)reach bus stop, saw a bitch
5)didnt squeeze for my 74 because it was, "unsqueezable"
6)waited for another 10 mins for the next 74
7)needless to say, im late
8)spend a good 1 hour trying to make ANS lab work
9)and (as usual!), it cant
10) MSN lab configuration, my friend accidentally off the switch and we got to reconfigure (ok this is a bit lol)
11) spend a good 1 hour trying to troubleshoot when all are configurations are right
12) turns out only need to reboot the switches (-_-)
13) had a very very awful waffle (it was so bad i could have mistaken it as bread!)
14) missed my 852
15) when the next 852 arrives, all seats are taken and i dont get to sit at the seats near windows (which almost never happen before)
16) nobody from the back of the bus wants to drop at YCK mrt (which, almost never happen before as well!), which means i got to "battle" my way through alone
17) reach home and my yayapapaya sister never go to work (just dont like it)
its the little misfortunes that make your day a miserable 1 (thou its not that bad to be labeled miserable)
then again, theres a saying goes "tomorrow will be better", i so damn hope its true!
2)watch tv until forget to go out for school
3)come out late as a result
4)reach bus stop, saw a bitch
5)didnt squeeze for my 74 because it was, "unsqueezable"
6)waited for another 10 mins for the next 74
7)needless to say, im late
8)spend a good 1 hour trying to make ANS lab work
9)and (as usual!), it cant
10) MSN lab configuration, my friend accidentally off the switch and we got to reconfigure (ok this is a bit lol)
11) spend a good 1 hour trying to troubleshoot when all are configurations are right
12) turns out only need to reboot the switches (-_-)
13) had a very very awful waffle (it was so bad i could have mistaken it as bread!)
14) missed my 852
15) when the next 852 arrives, all seats are taken and i dont get to sit at the seats near windows (which almost never happen before)
16) nobody from the back of the bus wants to drop at YCK mrt (which, almost never happen before as well!), which means i got to "battle" my way through alone
17) reach home and my yayapapaya sister never go to work (just dont like it)
its the little misfortunes that make your day a miserable 1 (thou its not that bad to be labeled miserable)
then again, theres a saying goes "tomorrow will be better", i so damn hope its true!
Friday, January 8, 2010
Seriously, Singapore news never fail to amuse me, and i have taken out 2 pieces of news to highlight
Girl Molested At Siloso Beach (2009 Countdown party!)
I'm quite sure that most of you guys must have read or at least heard about this news, when it was first broadcasted, a lot people claim that those molesters are bastard (indeed they are!), but days later there have been rumours circulating around suggesting that the victim, may be a "he" afterall:
Spending just 1 min googling about this incident, i can find tons of forums that are debating whether the victim is a "she" or a "he", some extremists even joked about the idea, some went "eeeeeeeeeeeee!", some went "YUCKS!", some even commented that the victim actually deserves it.
While I myself am not sure if the rumours are true, the bottomline is, its still a molestation, right?
Does it change the fact that its a molestation if the supposedly "she" is a "he"? No
Does it make "him" (assuming the claims are true) a more deserved victim? No
Should it be the reason for the people around not to stop this incident? Obviously no!
The reaction of some people regarding this incident, seriously disgusts me, those that simply just watch and did nothing are as bad as those molestors, same goes to those who are making fun of this piece of news just cause "she" may be a "he".
Now I am not saying im god or a very kind person, but if im there im pretty sure i will go up to help, why? Cause helping one simply dont need any reason isnt it.
Now this really gets me fuming;
McDonald's takes the charm out of Doraemon series
1 word for this, RETARDED.
This is one of the worse marketing failures I have ever seen, and to think its coming from McDonald's? wth
Firstly first, if going by this rule, why didnt they omit cow from the series as well since Indians arent supposed to eat beef? (correct me if im wrong on this)
Secondly, I have done some research prior to commenting on this issue, it seems that most Muslims in Singapore do not mind about the inclusion of a pig designed doraemon charm.
Thirdly, what about the chinese? It is so obvious (thou not stated) that the 12 collectibles are based on the 12 chinese zodiac signs, so by omitting the pig zodiac charm, they (McDonald's) may risk angering the chinese due to obvious reasons.
Fourthly, and most importantly, those things are just collectibles, as long as they are nice and cute, no one will mind, I, as a doraemon fan, got turned off by this because it simply doesnt make sense to suddenly have a doraemon cupid among 11 other animal-based designs!
Yes, racism is a serious issue, one that we must really get a hand on, but so is over sensitivity, and this is a good example to show, i mean like, c'mon, we do celebrate the year of pig in Singapore, right? So why the big fuss?
After reading this 2 pieces of news, I've got advice for people involved;
"Its not too late to set yourself a new year resolution, and that is, 'get a life, be smart'".

PS: Dont worry I didnt miss my target :p
Girl Molested At Siloso Beach (2009 Countdown party!)
I'm quite sure that most of you guys must have read or at least heard about this news, when it was first broadcasted, a lot people claim that those molesters are bastard (indeed they are!), but days later there have been rumours circulating around suggesting that the victim, may be a "he" afterall:
Spending just 1 min googling about this incident, i can find tons of forums that are debating whether the victim is a "she" or a "he", some extremists even joked about the idea, some went "eeeeeeeeeeeee!", some went "YUCKS!", some even commented that the victim actually deserves it.
While I myself am not sure if the rumours are true, the bottomline is, its still a molestation, right?
Does it change the fact that its a molestation if the supposedly "she" is a "he"? No
Does it make "him" (assuming the claims are true) a more deserved victim? No
Should it be the reason for the people around not to stop this incident? Obviously no!
The reaction of some people regarding this incident, seriously disgusts me, those that simply just watch and did nothing are as bad as those molestors, same goes to those who are making fun of this piece of news just cause "she" may be a "he".
Now I am not saying im god or a very kind person, but if im there im pretty sure i will go up to help, why? Cause helping one simply dont need any reason isnt it.
Now this really gets me fuming;
McDonald's takes the charm out of Doraemon series
1 word for this, RETARDED.
This is one of the worse marketing failures I have ever seen, and to think its coming from McDonald's? wth
Firstly first, if going by this rule, why didnt they omit cow from the series as well since Indians arent supposed to eat beef? (correct me if im wrong on this)
Secondly, I have done some research prior to commenting on this issue, it seems that most Muslims in Singapore do not mind about the inclusion of a pig designed doraemon charm.
Thirdly, what about the chinese? It is so obvious (thou not stated) that the 12 collectibles are based on the 12 chinese zodiac signs, so by omitting the pig zodiac charm, they (McDonald's) may risk angering the chinese due to obvious reasons.
Fourthly, and most importantly, those things are just collectibles, as long as they are nice and cute, no one will mind, I, as a doraemon fan, got turned off by this because it simply doesnt make sense to suddenly have a doraemon cupid among 11 other animal-based designs!
Yes, racism is a serious issue, one that we must really get a hand on, but so is over sensitivity, and this is a good example to show, i mean like, c'mon, we do celebrate the year of pig in Singapore, right? So why the big fuss?
After reading this 2 pieces of news, I've got advice for people involved;
"Its not too late to set yourself a new year resolution, and that is, 'get a life, be smart'".
On the other hand, I am quite happy that I've got a poster to show for open house since its kind of new for my course to do it (my course doesnt have FYP you see)
Went to Jurong Medical Center to collect my heart test results, and yea, its pretty good, infact, the doctor commented that my heart is really good and cant understand why there was a problem =\
Saw this thing in the toilet, its pasted at the top of the urinal, pretty cool uh?

PS: Dont worry I didnt miss my target :p
Sunday, January 3, 2010
kulai is a good place, i like the kampong atmosphere, took away all the city loads away from me.
had a great stay there, map's aunty and uncle are very nice, they treat us to good food and bring us to places where we will never thought of going if we were to go alone. nice food, cheap clothes, great atmosphere there, what more can i ask for. you guys should give there a try if a countryside kind of holiday is what you are seeking =)
next, 2 - 3 more months and that will be the end of my poly life, its pretty scary, im in my 2nd decade =\
let us all jia you for our last, final sprint!
PS: this is a phrase i heard during a meeting before i go to Malaysia, and its "Whatever you mind thinks, you heart believes, and your body reacts", i find it very true eh, what do you think?
had a great stay there, map's aunty and uncle are very nice, they treat us to good food and bring us to places where we will never thought of going if we were to go alone. nice food, cheap clothes, great atmosphere there, what more can i ask for. you guys should give there a try if a countryside kind of holiday is what you are seeking =)
next, 2 - 3 more months and that will be the end of my poly life, its pretty scary, im in my 2nd decade =\
let us all jia you for our last, final sprint!
PS: this is a phrase i heard during a meeting before i go to Malaysia, and its "Whatever you mind thinks, you heart believes, and your body reacts", i find it very true eh, what do you think?
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