Yea, have been playing with this thing(wireless router) since last week,and possibly a few weeks for now as well.
Well, while i was dozing off one day in the work, mind drifting away,i suddenly realise that,isnt life just about the same as those packets in a toplogy?
We were born with a destination, we dont know what it really is, but we keep finding ways to get to it, sometimes we know our way, sometimes we dont, and need someone to give us a correct route to proceed, sometimes we were lost in the path, thats when we start anew, knowing the mistakes we had made, we try not to repeat the history again. And when we finally reach our destination, we will look back to our beginning spot and wonder "oh how far i had travelled".
lol maybe im just lame la i dunno.
and i know recently to people around me i appeared ignorant to things well..i just cant pick up the enthusiasm to be interested,or at least,pretend to be(im not a pretender btw). and no im not being emo im just stating it, somehow sometimes its better not to totally care too much on whats going around u because it can seriously drives you crazy.
on a sidenote,im so happy that im finally able to complete the whole course of 2.4km run without stopping,timing is improving gradually as well =)