Sunday, March 30, 2008
i guess i should really make an effort to force myself to blog regularly eh,else this blog will really die off 1 day =p,besides,i was so totally engrossed into this book "excuse me,your life is waiting" by Lynn Grabhorn,its so nice and enjoyable to read
well,its basically about positive thinking(not that im a pessimist!),but hey~ dont you think that its quite fun to erm.. know what different people thinks differently about their life? i certainly think so,should try this book if you got nothing better to do too,just a mere 300+ pages dont worry,the font is quite big somemore,and i bet the way she writes wont make you feel bored.
and i believe that many hardcore soccer fans are like damn furious about whats going on,singtel won the rights of telecasting UCL from next year onwards,and i find its pretty dumb,seriously you know those people of singtel,starhub,and UCL staff,all those ah mo who wear black suit and looks damn smart? well they arent close to what they look.
firstly,what makes singtel thinks that singapore's market can allow one more cable tv operator when theres already so much trouble back then when theres 2 free-to-air company?
secondly,starhub didnt bid for the UCL because they are afraid that our subscription fee will rise,well it doesnt really matter much since starhub said they wont cut down the current subscription fee despite the fact that they are no longer airing UCL,what a joke,isnt it? might as well pay a few more bucks right? dont know what those people are thinking
thirdly,i seriously dont know who prompt the UCL people to accept this deal,its obvious that not a lot people will be happy with it.
well,i can roughly predicts the future already,many people will watch free UCL matches via internet,illegally,and those singtel people will track down our IP address,and send us warning letters or fines,sparking another case of you-know-what-happened la.
but the biggest loser will be customer like us,who will not be able to watch UCL action(because Mio is only available at home),which means kopitiam,pub,cannot show it.
rather contradicting for singapore eh? here their goal is to qualify for WC2010,and yet here we are,watching lesser and lesser football? stupid isnt it?
what's worse,if M1 decides to have their own cable tv,how? chaos man
got to go liao,bye~~
PS: i seriously DISLIKE those people who can like just message/talk/msn halfway and SUDDENLY dont reply AT ALL,and when you are wondering what happened,you message them again and they reply instantly like nothing has happened(which just show they are always there,just cant be bothered to reply),I OFFICIALLY DECLARE I DISLIKE IT.CAUSE ITS DAMN RUDE,not targeting any particular person,thou i have some particular people in mind
Monday, March 24, 2008
Friday, March 21, 2008 - Free Quiz - Intelligence Test - IQ Tests - Impossible Test
Thursday, March 20, 2008
im breaking down
whats worse? theres 4 classes in my course,and i can safely say that i know 3 classes pretty well(f1,e1,e2),and i got into the class that i dunno AT ALL(f2),when most of my friends were posted into the other 3 classes.
please,how many times must the school do this? werent the people in the school once students? do they know that,it really makes people feel insecure if class keep on changing? i've changed class twice already,and it occurs before every new sem start,what the fuck they want to do? change my class every sem? what kind of bullcrap is that?
how would you feel,if you got place inside a class,you took very long to know them,and finally you thought that you can get together well with them,you got changed class?
it not just happened once,but twice to me!
its making me really confused,and insecure.
and guess what,i really hate people,who only mumble and do nothing
some people only know how to complain their class got changed,and when i brought up my plan,they just go "haha","lol".what the fuck man? get a life k?
this is not a drama for god sake,miracle wont happen just like that,if you want things to go your way,you must make an effort,who do you think you are?god?just mumble in the dark,and everything will return to normal? grow up la,pathetic losers
i really dunno what else to say already,i love my classmates,and probably my new classmates,but not my school system,they treat us as tools,not human,they didnt take our feelings into consideration,they just do stuff that they think will be beneficial to us,and mainly to them
so nice of them,im beginning to hate this school already,fking bullshit stuff
programmes for spywares
and here i recommend 2 programmes.
spyware doc starter edition 5.5
well,as many had heard of it,spyware doc is actually a very good programme,just that many had downloaded the wrong version,those trial 1 which u got to buy the full version
the starter edition is a freeware,so its FREE,got it? but dont underestimate it just because its free eh,it works WONDER,so better install it
oh for those timid brats,its 100% safe to download.
here the dl link
i had problem downloading it using IE,you can try FF if you had problem too.
after installing it,you got to do some configuration.launch spyware doc,click settings
at the general tab;
check all the boxes,and for the "run scan on windows startup",choose intelli-scan.
smart update action:download and install updates(silently)
at the scan settings tab;
uncheck "show disclaimer when repairing"
uncheck "create system restore point before removal"
check "scan for alternative data streams"
check "scan for rootkit hidden files"
check "include "information only" low-level threats in scan results"
next programme
this is a virus database that updates a lot of times everyday,which is very different from other updates in other anti virus programmes,because those often update once per day,or once per week,depending on how you configure.
but with this,your virus database will be updated more often,which protects your computer from the latest malware,virus,adware,blablabla.
for more info,take a look at the web,download's from there too =)
Things to remember
althou those 2 programmes that ive introduced are good,please fork out some money for norton,like norton internet security,its good.but it suck at detacting spywares,so thats the purpose of the spyware doc.
however,even with this 3 programmes,if you dont do a scan with them regularly,its bullshit.i would recommend you to scan in a weekly manner.with ALL 3 of them.
as the saying goes,better be safe than sorry,well,for me,better be kia si than sorry,so..just do what i said la!
oh and 1 thing very important,if you use spyware doc/norton,and found any spywares,before you remove them,YOU MUST,MUST,DISABLE THE SYSTEM RESTORE POINT.
you can do that by,right-clicking "my computer",then click properties,and then under the "system restore" tab,check the button "turn off system restore on all drivers",and then apply
only uncheck that button after you had removed the spywares AND restarted your com,reason for that is because,if you dont turn it off,some of the spywares might be restored after you restart your com,which totally defeats the purpose of removing it in the first place eh.
Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Friday, March 14, 2008
and for those that arent sick..u know who u are la hor,no need me to go into details =)
and just got back my result,well,unlike last sem's,almost every result goes according to what ive planned,a few surprise thou,like CATS and NC can get a B,its like so miracle k?
but anyway,a surprise is always good isnt it =) and my results are much better than last time,so...just got to buck up ba,oh heres 1 sentence that will motivate you guys:
the moment u believe u are the best is the moment u are becoming the worst
inspiring words hur,from me leh,i created it =x
well it just let u know that,dun be over confident,and i think extrem high self-esteem plays a big part in 1's failure,so watch out ar.
and hey cant the weather be at least a bit normal >: (,i mean,it can be like so sunny,then all of a sudden,it pours.arggghhh
guess i just got to stay at home and rest ba,siannn =(
recently,ive read about a chinese student,li bingbing,who is suffering from leukemia
"Leukemia or leukaemia (Greek leukos λευκός, "white"; aima αίμα, "blood") is a cancer of the blood or bone marrow and is characterized by an abnormal proliferation (production by multiplication) of blood cells, usually white blood cells (leukocytes). It is part of the broad group of diseases called hematological neoplasms."
extracted from wikipedia,
80% of the people who participated the online poll,said no to the donation drive,because they think that he is not a local,while 90% of the people who participated face-to-face poll said yes to it.
why such a drastic different?
well,because when comes to online poll,no one knows your identity,therefore you can really say what you feel
and i think its an act of cowardice
i mean,if you really dont like it,just say no to it when you were asked,no one's going to kill you. you pathetic bunch of people who can only voice yourself out in internet,you people are afraid that people would know its you
get a life man,please
there lies a guy,whos suffering from illness,and all you could do is to talk in the dark,using the name "aynomity".
well,i guess you cowards just got to change your name to aynomity,for its only when you people are using that name that you all are able to voice out what you all really think
pathetic,isnt it?
and besides,whats so wrong in helping out a chinese.
i mean,come on,hes a human,same as us,we arent any different,why refuse?
so why bother dividing ourself? does it matter who we are donating for? what difference does it make even if hes an indian,a malay,a chinese?
imagine,if one day,its you who happen to suffer from an illness when you are studying overseas,and people there do exactly what those people are doing now,how would you feel?
all these nuthead just cant get anything into their brain
yet again another ps =)
well,i cant remember much other than my whole body aching(thanks to the match yesterday),and my nose "running"(thanks to the rain yesterday),and...and...begin really busy...folding clothes -.-
u know,next time if u ever go inside a clothing shop,and u see wagon with clothes,DONT EVER MESS THEM UP,U R TORTURING THOSE SALESPEOPLE WITH THAT NEVER-ENDING-MESSED-UP CLOTHES. so please,be considerate,for it might be you who work in a clothing shop 1 day =)
and im back to home now(duh),coughing and sneezing(ha-chew!)
should i talk about the match yesterday?or should i not?
ar better dun -.- anyway,playing soccer in a rain sux,the ball cant ever roll please-.-.
im getting damn restless now despite the fact that im dead tired(contridicting hur?)
well,the thing is that,i will be getting result in around 8hr time! oh please im gonna wet my pants,goshhhhhhhhhhhhh
and i think that others will be feeling the same too,hehe,im not alone after all XD
oh and im gonna say such random stuff,begining with...
1)things dont always go according like fairy tales,in fact,life is NEVER a fairy tale.
2)the more u try to prove,the more ur doubts
damn random isnt it? go figure it out yourself,or ask me,before i randomly forgot wad i juz randomly said =)
so yea,go luck peeps,for the event 8 hours later XD
Saturday, March 8, 2008
anyway,picked up a new hobby,and thats to watch movie,lemme 5 movies so far already =\
and it sux big time when u come across some movie thats like so not nice,for example,10000BC
its better than "the death of ian stone"(i guess probably none will be worse than that),budden yet again,the story is kind of boring,not much action
and the most stupid part is that,the story was told to u at the beginning of the movie -.-,theres a witch,then,she predicts the future,and the future went EXACTLY as what she said,and its damn spoiler la please,no sense of excitment at all -.-
and jack is a super kind soul =) cuz he treats me sushi! hehe,oh and please i hate half shell scallop,the orange thingy tastes like....something that u dun wan to taste.
and guess eating ice cream cake now XD,and its made of..ok,ice cream -.- but its damn nice,anyone who haven try that should give it a try,but yet,cheesecake is still the best =)
okk,time for cabaling,bye dudes =)
Thursday, March 6, 2008
lol i forgot that theres chalet la(partly because i dont want to go),only remember when people started calling me =x and begin sucha nice friend,i went there lo~
actually is cannot resist the temptation la =x
but wa lau,go there then so many people go home 1 by 1 lo -.- ended up me and boon yong walk around in the park(ya damn gay i know -.-)
the rest just stay in the room,play psp,watch tv,dont see the point of doing that la,so lame lo,chalet must play till mad ma
and say what want to go OCH or red house,ended up going neither zZz
overall still not bad la,except some stupid taxi driver who point middle finger at us for NO FREAKING REASON.wth
oh and,the downtown's macdonald damn cheater la please,the sign board says its 24 hours,but it closes at 11pm zZz,so much for 24 hours hur.
and spend the entire night chilling out at 7-eleven,lol
ended up only sleep 1 hour -.-
and i can still go play soccer after that in the morning,pro hor? lol
if you come to this world with nothing and leave with nothing,then what's the point of achieving something in life?