Tuesday, January 15, 2008

all the way elder olympic =)

wootz,today just had case study for 1NC,and...lol turn out quite well,despite some problems at the beginning,fully confident for the practical after it =)

oh ya back to topic, you know what? have you heard of what youth olympic stuff? that we must give our fullest support to them? well,i cant be very sure if they will come back with lots of medals,but you know what? if theres elder olympic, i bet singapore will be the biggest winner.

and the competition event?

first to traffic light,first to squeeze out of bus,etc etc.

i just cannot understand la,why aunties uncles like to do that.

is like,at the traffic light there,then infront is so squeezy already,almost no space for any people,the aunties,can somehow manage to squeeze their way through. then you know what happen after the green man appears,the auntie will lag a few second at there,then start to walk,then what happen? the auntie will be one of those last ones to cross the road.

hey please la,if you know you walk slow,and will block the people behind,why walk infront to block people's way right? besides, cross the road first got prize meh?at last also cross the road ma,wth

2nd case

when people are getting down the bus,those uncles from behind will push you ,urging you to get down,or maybe squeeze their way through.

hey,wth,cant you see im getting down too?just wait la,stop pushing me la,i also want go home right,you think i got so much time to block your way,making me cant go home iszi? use your brain la! wth

ok thats all for my lame lame blog =) bye~

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