yooo,happy new year guys=) oh,and girls too,heheee
just woke up from my lala land,thanks to the "gana guni" who keeps playing with his horn la,dammit,not the best way to start your new year hur,lol..budden,at least im feeling refresh now =)
went to...VIVO yesterday for the countdown,with the 3
idiots gentlemen benjamin,aaron,kayhwa).lol
aaron and benjamin first come to my house to play psp -.- supposedly should be playing fifa08 on the comp la,but my sister is using,zzz.anyway benjamin is such a cheater bug la,lol,got so many legends in his team -.-
meet up with kayhwa at AMK hub then went to vivo straight. first thing we reach there is to buy the Alien Vs Predator 2 tickets,and we only got the 2nd front row,man..
did some simple shopping,oh yea,i finally bought 2 shirts -.- 1 from freshbox and another is my beloved liverpool jersey,k la just a trainning kit,but i find it look nicer maa
saw a lot old faces today,jiajun and gang,weiling,zhijie,and a lot more la!
and we go to the top floor of vivo to "chope" place,at 10+ -.-,the singaporean spirit,lol;

not long before countdown
and guess what we does during that time,poker cards -.-,ive hardly played card game before la,cuz... dunno leh,just dont like,cuz i always relate it to gamble ba,and i hate gambling,so..ya,anyway,with no money involved,why not? (:
until like 1150+,we all stop playing,and just start waiting for countdown,and hoping for fireworks
at last there is fireworks la,but not from vivo one zzz,but never mind,at least can see firework,no bad le leh =)
and the usual old event,and yet the 1 every1 is so enthusiastic..
"5,4,3,2,1...HAPPY NEW YEARRRR" XD
then all the sprays suddenly come out -.-
went to get supper,and i dunno how come the aunties from the next table come and auto talk to benjamin,and the reason for that is(from benjamin la),hes handsome -.- ok ben u got a good start,at least u finally said some funny joke =) u can make it big eh,lol
went to walk around,stop at the power station,and then saw all the drunk people,and they r really drunk la,and vomits around-.- eeyerr,dammit
1:55am,watch alien vs predator 2,omg that show is..freaking awesome,yet gross la please,all the human piercing and human tearing,yucks... and to think thats the first movie in new year -.-
plan to go sentosa after that movie la,budden we are so late lo,we plan to walk there la,but the police forbid us from doing so,i dont see wads the point la,budden,better not mess with police ya -.- and somemore theres no more shuttle bus la,and we spend 1hr+ futile effort waving for cabs -.-
and the mrt haven start also!!!!!!!!! arg!
so what we do? stone around lo (:
went to lie on the grass patches infront of vivo,and its so damn cooling la,somewhat like the place i want to be,exclude the gangsters' "colourful languages" that is.

us after a damn long long day/night,and u can obviously tell that we are not in the mood to smile la,lol.
oh and finally we rush back to yio chu kang,tts around...6am? went to eat breakfast at kopitiam,and i got so hungry that i swallow 1 plain,1 egg,1 cheese pratas in like just 5 mins la please -.-
reach home around 8+,lucky we never decide to go to sentosa,if not we will still be there -.- i think i would probably faint there la,lol
ok la,thats the end of my happy-new-year story (: hope you guys enjoy the new year better than u do last year =)
my new year resolution:
1) to remotivate myself in studies(honestly im so tired and sicked of studying already)
2) to treat papa mama better
3) to...live with no regrets
4) oh yaaa,and there goes the most important 1,stay happy XD
ok guys,once again,happy new year =)
because its just confusing